23 Considerable portions of this chapter are found repeated word for word in Sermon LXIV. chap. i. and iv.
24 Lat. proeiudicant, see note 3 to chap. iii., above.
25 Isti phantasmatici Christiani, cf. note 5, above.
29 The whole of this chapter is repeated with slight variations in his letter (CLXV.) to Leo the Emperor (chaps. 8 and 10).
30 Quoe ditanda erat tantoe glorificationis augmento acc. to Leo's use of the gerundive, see Tome, chap. i quod... omnium regenerandorum voce depromitur.
31 Here the word is actually mysterium, not, as usual, sacramentum.
32 Sacramentum magnoe pietatis,1 Tim. iii. 16: cf. Bright's note 8.
34 The reference is to Col. ii. 14.
35 Viz. as monks as well as baptized members of the church.
36 The Unguloe (Claws) were among the numerous instruments with which Christians wrere tortured:cf. Tert. Apol. xii. 57, ungulis deraditis latera christianorum ; Cypr. de lapsis chap. xili. (cum) ungula effoderet, caro me in colluciatione deservuit.
1 S. Mark was the reputed founder of the church of Alexandria. Cf. Letter IX. chap. 1.
4 See chap. ii. and more particularly Lett. CXXX. chap. 3 from which it is evident that the Eutychians had sought to foist upon certain passages in the Tome a Nestorian interpretation.
7 Who as he himself says in the next letter, eidem ecclesioe proefuerunt (CXXX. ii.).
8 Who as he himself says in the next letter, eidem ecclesioe proefuerunt (CXXX. ii.).
9 Who as he himself says in the next letter, eidem ecclesioe proefuerunt (CXXX. ii.).
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |