26 S. Matt. xxiii. 3, 4.

27 S. Matt. v. 19.

28 Cf. Heb. ix. 4, 5.

29 Instrumentum is a favourite word with Tertullian, who uses it more than once of the two Testaments, eg., Apol. xix.; and, Against Marcion iv. where he speaks of the "Two Instruments, or, as it is usual to speak of the Two Testaments."

30 Lev. xxi. 12.

31 2 Cor. v. 16.

32 Exod. xx. 14.

33 Jer. iii. 6.

34 Is. xlvii. 13.

35 Hos. iv. 12.

36 Gal. iv. 10; Col. ii. 21.

37 2 Cor. xi. 2.

38 Ib. ver. 3.

39 Acts xx. 29, 30.

40 Prov. xxvii. 7.

41 Prov. v. 15, 16.

42 Is. lviii. 11, 12.

43 Is. xxx. 20, 21.

44 Ps. cxxxii. (cxxxiii.) 2.

45 Ps. xviii. (xix.) 11.

46 2 Cor. vi. 14, 15.

47 Jer. v. 21; Hos. iv. 6.

48 Col. ii. 3.

49 Wisd. i. 4, 5.

50 Hos. x. 12.

51 Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 1, 2.

52 1 Tim. vi. 20.

53 Prov. xi. 22.

54 Ecclus. xv. 9.

55 Ps. xlix. (l.) 16.

56 Prov. xv. 33.

57 Prov. xvii. 16.

58 Acts iv. 13.

59 Prov. xiv. 33; Ecclus. xxxii. 20.

60 2 Cor. vi. 5, 6.

61 Is. xxx. 23.

62 Prov. xxiv. 15; xix. 10; xviii. 2; xxix. 19; xxiii. 9 (LXX.).

63 S. Matt. vii. 6.

64 Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 11.

65 Prov. xxxi. 6, 7.

66 Ps. ciii. (civ.) 15.

67 2 Cor. ii. 7.

68 Prov. xiv. 23.

69 Ps. xiv. (xv.) 5.

70 Ps. xi. (xii.) 7.

71 S. Matt. xxv. 27.

72 Is. vi. 10.

73 1 Tim. ii. 4.

1 S. Matt. x. 8.

2 S. Matt. vii. 22, 23.

3 S. Mark vi. 5, 6.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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