28 Negationis (Petschenig). Another reading is necationis.
9 Prov. xxix. 22 (LXX.) 0Anh\r qumw/dhj e0gei/rei nei=koj, a0nh\r de\ o\rgiloj e0cw/rucen a9marti/an. The old Latin as given by Sabatier has "Vir animosus parit zixas: vir autem iracundus effodit peccata." The verse is quoted by Gregory the Great in a passage which seems a reminiscence of Cassian's words with the reading effundit for effodit (Moral V. xxxi.) Jerome's rendering in the Vulgate is quite different: "Vir iracundus provocat zixas: et qui ad indignandum facilis est erit ad peccandum proclivior."
18 On the heresy of the Anthropomorphites see the notes on Conference X. c. ii.
29 On the different senses of Scripture see the note on Conference XIV. viii.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |