3 1 Tim. vi. 10.

4 The the same danger is strongly spoken of by S. Basil in the "Monastic Constitutions" c. xxxiv., a passage which should be compared with the one above.

5 Col. iii. 5.

6 1 Tim. vi. 8-10.

7 Cur prohibes (Petschenig). Gazaeus omits cur.

8 Pulsarentur (Petschenig). The text of Gazaeus has pulsaremur.

9 Deut. xx. 8.

10 S. James i. 8.

11 S. Luke xiv. 31, 32.

12 Eccl. v. 4 (LXX.).

13 S. Matt. vi. 24.

14 S. Luke ix. 62.

15 Acts xx. 35.

16 S. Matt. xix. 21.

17 2 Cor. ii. 27.

18 Rom. xv. 25-27.

19 1 Cor. xvi. 1-4.

20 Gal. ii. 9, 10.


22 Acts xv. 20.

23 2 Cor. xi. 9.

24 Phil. iv. 15, 16.

25 Petschenig's text has Syncletium as a proper name. Gazaeus, however, thinks that it should be Syncleticum; i.e. Sugklhtiko/j or Senator and in the saying of S. Basil at the close of the chapter actually reads (apparently without any ms. authority), Et Senatorem, inquit, perdidisti.

26 Gen. iii. 15.

27 S. Matt. v. 28.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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