31 prwtosta/thj. Cf. Chrysost., Epist. ad Ephes., hom. 4, &c.

32 Text, e0dwrh/sato. R. 1986, e0xari/sato

33 See Iren., bk. iv. c. 48, &c.

34 Greg. Nyss., Orat. Catech., cp. 6.

35 Gen. i. 31.

36 See Greg. Naz., Orat. 19, 38; Chrysost., In S. Babyl. Or. 2; Basil, in Jesaiam, ch. I, &c.

37 Quaest. ad Antioch. 10.

38 Job i. 12.

39 St. Mark v. 13.

40 Vide lambl., De Myst., ch. II, sect. 4.

41 St. Matt. xxv. 41.

42 Nemes., De Nat. Hom., ch. I.

43 Ps. cxlvi. 6.

44 Cf. Chrysost., In Genes., hom. 4; Basil, Hex. hom. 3, &c.

45 Ps. cxv. 16.

46 Ib. cxlviii. 4.

47 2 Cor. xii. 2

48 Gen. i. 8.

49 Basil, Hom. I in Hexaemeron.

50 The Peripatetics. See Nemes., ch. 5.

51 Basil, Hom. 3, in Hexaemeron.

52 Ps. civ. 2.

53 Is. xl. 22.

54 Chrysost., Hom.14 and 17, ad Hebr.

55 Ps. cxlviii. 5, 6.

56 Greg. Nyss. de opif. Hom.

57 Gen. i. 8.

58 2 Cor. xii. 2.

59 Ps. cxlviii. 4.

60 Plato, Tim.

61 Basil Hom. I and 3, in Hexaemeron.

62 Just., quaest. 93.

63 Ps. cii. 26.

64 Apoc, xxi I.

65 Cf. August., Retract. ii. 2.

66 Basil, Hom. 13, in Hexaemeron.

67 Ps. xcvi. II.

68 Text, w0j to/. N. kai\ to\ a0napalin.

69 Ps. cxiv. 3.

70 Ibid. 5.

71 Ibid. xix. I.

72 Basil, Hom. I and 3, in Hexaemeron.

73 Gen. i. 3.

74 Text, u0per. Variant, u0po, but this does not agree with the view of the author or the ancients.

75 Gen. i. 5.

76 Basil, Hom. 2, in Hexaemeron.

77 Gen. i. 5.

78 Basil, Hom. 2, in Hexaemeron.

79 Text, e0cousi/an: variant. e0cousi/aj.

80 Variant here also, e0cousi/aj.

81 Basil, Hom. 6, in Hexaemeron.

82 Text, o0 Dhmiourgo/j. Variant, o0 dhmiorgh/saj.

83 Ps. viii. 3.

84 Basil, Hom. 6, in Hexaemeron.

85 Text, sugkrou/sewj. Variants, sugkra/sewj and sugkri/sewj.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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