222 Wisd. xii. 5.

223 Basil, Cont. Eun., bk. v.

224 me/son tou= a0gennh/ tou kai\ tou= gennhtoy=, kai di' Ui0ou= tw= Patri\ sunpto/henon.

225 au0toku/rioj.

226 proforiko/j is absent in mss. but added by a second hand in one codex.

227 ou0siw/dhj te/ e0sti kai\e0nupo/statoj. Against the Sabellian doctrine, the views of Paul of Samosata., &c.

228 phgazo/menon.

229 Text, to\ a!u>\lon: in one codex there is added as emendation or explanation, to; a0plouj/, to\ a0su/nqeton.

230 Greg. Naz., Orat. I, 13 and 40.

231 Dioyns., De div. nom., c. 5.

232 Text, kaqw\j e!xei fu/sewj: in the margin of the manuscript is w9j e!xousi.

233 Dan. ii. 22.

234 Greg., Orat. 40.BOOK II.

1 Ps. xc. 2.

2 Hebr. i. 2.

3 Arist., De Coelo, bk. i. text 100.

4 St. Matt. xii. 32; St. Luke vii. 34.

5 Greg Naz., Orat. 44.

6 Basil, De Struct., hom. 2; Greg. Naz., Orat. 44.

7 Greg. Naz., Orat. 44.

8 ai0w/nioj, `eternal 0'. but also `secular, 0' `aeonian, 0' `age-long. 0'

9 Variant, kai\ a0pe/ranton dhloi=. In Regg. ai0w=noj is absent.

10 See his Contr. Cels., iv. Cf. Justin Martyr. Apol. i; Basil, Hex., hom. 3; Greg. Nyss., Orat. Catech. 26, &c

11 Greg., Naz., Orat. 38, 42; Dionys., De Eccl. Hier., ch. 4.

12 Ps. civ. 4.

13 Greg. Naz., Orat. 38.

14 Nemes., ch. I.

15 Text, xa/riti. R. 2930, kata\ xarin.

16 a!neu lo0gou proforikou: without word of utterance.

17 Greg. Naz., Orat. 38.

18 Ibid. 34.

19 Text, a0ci/oij. R. 2930, a0gi/oij.

20 Theodoret, Epist. de div. decr., ch. 8.

21 e0n nohtoi=j kai\ to/poij. Cf. i. 17.

22 See Greg. Naz., Orat. 34. And cf. Cyril, Thesaur. 31, p. 266; Epiph., Haeres. 64.

23 Dionys., De Coel. Hier., ch. 3; Greg. Naz., Orat. 34.

24 Dionys., De Coel. Hier., ch. 9; Greg., Orat. 34.

25 Greg. Naz., Orat. 38.

26 Text, trofhn. Variant, trnfh/n, cf. Dionys., De Coel. Hier., ch. 7.

27 Dionys., De Coel. Hier., ch. 6.

28 But cf. August., Enchir., ch. 8; Greg. Naz., Orat. 34; Greg. Nyss, Contra Eunom., Orat. I; Chrysost., De incomprehens., hom. 3, &c.

29 See Epiph., Haeres. 6, n. 4 and 5; Basil, Hex. i; Chrysost., 2 Hom. in Gen.; Theodor., Qaest. 3 in Gen.

30 Greg. Naz., Orat. 2.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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