71 Ib. cvii. 9; S. Luke i. 53.
74 Ib. lxiii. 1; S. Matt. v. 6.
76 Name, Eusebius, i.e., "pious," "godly."
77 Men. Eusebius of Samosaba and S. Gregory the Elder.
79 Dignified position, known later as that of Vicar Genera. Thomassin. Disc. Eccl. I. ii. 7. ยง 3.
92 Burnings. A.D. 370. Eighty ecclesiastics, sent on a mission to Valens at Nicomedia, were by his orders sent to sea off the coast of Bithynia, and, the vessel being set on fire, were burnt to death.
93 Jacob, i.e., Athanasius. Esau = George.
95 Hebuzaradan. Demosthenes, a creature of Valens, sent to persuade Basil to yield to the Emperor.
103 The one, i.e., Anthimus, Bishop of Tyana.
105 Revenues. The dues and offering s of the people of the diocese.
106 Orestes. A chapel dedicated to S. Orestes at the foot of Mt. Tarurus, where the offerings were collected.
107 The mean, etc. A saying of Cleobulus, one of the seven Sages.
108 Crates. He made this proclamation when he had stripped himself of all his possessions.
109 In a tub, Diogenes, the Cynic.
112 Enacted by his religious rule, or as some say by a treatise on Virginity.
114 Cells. etc. This passage strongly favours the view of Clemencet that S. Gregory uses monasth/ria in the liter sense of "the abodes of solitaries." and that there is no great distinction between koinwnikoi/ and miga/dej. Cf. ii. 29. xxi. 10-19.
115 New city - a hospital for the sick.
117 Thebes, etc. The "seven wonders of the world."
118 The vices. This was the doctrine of Menander and Aristotle.
130 Economy. In refraining from the express assertion "The Holy Ghost is God" - some have blamed S. Basil for this: but his conduct has the approval of S. Athanasius. Ep. ad Palladium.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |