8 Gen. xxvii. 28.

9 Made, by the manner in which they have sought for and exercised it.

10 1 Cor. xiii. 12.

11 1 Pet. ii. 9.

12 Phil. ii. 4.

13 Ib. ii. 7.

14 Heb. xii. 2.

15 Ib. ii. 14.

16 1 Tim. iii. 16.

17 The same point, i.e. from which it started, ยง 1.

18 Hide, etc. S. Gregory here alludes to the "economy" which refrained from distinctly declaring the Divinity of the Holy Ghost. Cf. Or. xliii., 68. This declaration of his was afterwards commented on by his audience and others, cf. Epist. 58, in which his mode of teaching is contrasted with that of S. Basil.

19 S. Matt. v. 15.

1 Aaron, S. Gregory the elder. Eleazar, S. Gregory Nazianzen.

2 Ps. lxxxi. 11.

3 Ib. I. 23; li. 19.

4 2 Cor. v. 17.

5 Eph. iv. 24.

6 1 Cor. xiv. 19.

7 Ib. xiv. 8.

8 Isai. x. 22, 23 (lxx.); Rom. ix. 28.

9 1 Cor. ii. 6.

10 S. Matt. xxiii. 27.

11 Ps. cxi. 10.

12 Prov. xvi. 31.

13 Eccles. xi. 28.

14 Prov. xxvii. 1.

15 Phil. iii. 21.

16 Isai. xlix. 18.

17 1 Cor. iv. 15.

18 Loss, i.e., the death of his father, which, from his age, could not be long delayed.

19 Exod. xiv. 15.

20 Ps. xxxvi. 6.

21 Is. xxviii. 17. (lxx.).

22 S. Matt. xx. 12.

23 Ps. lxxv. 9.

24 Isai. li. 17 (lxx.).

25 Ib. xxvi. 18.

26 Ps. lxxv. 10.

27 Exod. v. 6; vii. 22.

28 Rom. ix. 17.

29 Isai. xl. 2.

30 Ps. lxxix. 12.

31 Gen. xv. 16.

32 1 Pet. v. 6.

33 Ps. cxxix. 7.

34 Joel i. 10.

35 Another. Either this is a wrong reading, or S. Gregory's memory fails him. The second quotation is also from Joel.

36 Joel ii. 3.

37 Deut. xxxii. 34; Jer. l. 25.

38 Hos. vi. 6.

39 Ps. xviii. 8.

40 Ib. cv. 32.

41 Ib. lxxviii. 50.

42 Ezek. xxi. 9.

43 Hos. xiii. 7, 8.

44 Isai. xxvi. 11 (lxx.).

45 Hos. viii. 3.

46 Nahum ii. 10.

47 Ps. vi. 5 (lxx.).

48 Isai, x. 3.

49 Ps. l. 21.

50 Gen. i. 26.

51 S. Matt. xxv. 8.

52 S. Luk. xvi. 24.

53 Dan. vii. 9.

54 S. John v. 29.

55 Col. iii. 3.

56 S. John v. 29.

57 S. John iii. 18; xii. 48.

58 Isai. xxix. 9.

59 Hab. ii. 16.

60 Ps. lx. 2, 3; Isai. xxix. 10.

61 Hab. i. 5; Acts xiii. 41.

62 Deut. xxxii. 5.

63 Ps. xviii. 46.

64 Exod. vii. 19.

65 Amos iv. 7.

66 Jer. xviii. 12 (lxx.).

67 Isai. xlviii. 4.

68 Ib. xxi. 2 (lxx.).

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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I offer you my heart, O Lord, promptly and sincerely