1 S. Gregory very frequently uses this very strong expression to bring out the reality and intimacy of the Christian's Union with Christ as the result of the sanctifying grace by which all the Baptized are made "partakers of the Divine Nature" (2 Pet. i. 4).
2 The passage might also be rendered "had preferred to every other kind of life."
9 1 Cor. iv. 15. I.e., the Elder Gregory.
3 His father. S. Gregory the elder. Cf. Orat. xviii, 5, 6, 12-29, 32-39. Also viii., 4, 5; xii., 2, 3; xvi., 1-4, 20.
6 In mien. v. l. "in disposition."
7 His mother. S. Nonna. Cf. Orat. xviii., 7-12, 30, 31, 42, 43. Also viii. 4, 5.
9 The Chief Good. to\ kre=itton, lit. "that which is better."
10 S. Matt. vi. 19: S. John x. 1.
14 Dangerous, as being so closely connected with astrology.
15 East and West, e 9w=a/ te o 9mou= lh=cij kai\ e 9spe/rioj-l h= c I j significat regionem, locum: culmen item, seu fastigium. Cf. S. Greg. Naz. Orat. xxv. 13. p. 464. S. Chrys. Hom. LVI. in Ioan. p. 786.
16 Our mother. For further detail cf. Orat. xviii. 31.
17 The Emperors. Constantius II., A.D. 337-361. Julian, A.D.a.d. 361-363. Jovian. A.D. 363-4. Valens, A.D. 364-378.
18 The Emperor, i.e., Julian the Apostate.
19 Some edd. read "in the spectacle," which would make better sense, but has not Ms. authority.
20 A dreadful tyrant. The Evil One: with Billius and Clémencet. Julian was antagonist, not Judge - unless we consider that he combined unfairly the two offices.
22 Godliness, eu'se/beian: here, as often, used in the sense of "orthodoxy."
23 A further trial. Which Julian did not survive to carry out. S. Greg. may allude to Caesarius' later return to Court.
24 Persians. The expedition in which he met his death. Ammian, Marcellin. xxv. 3. 7. Soz. vi. 2. Socr. iii. 21.
27 The earthquake, described by Theodoret, H.E. ii. 26.
40 Heirs, Cf. S. basil Ep. 26 (32). Caesarius left all his property to the poor. This passage shows that his own family welcomed and approved the bequest, which S. Gregory was at much pains to carry out, but was greatly embarrassed by the rapacity of his brother's servants.
42 2 Cor. v. 1. 6; Phil. i. 23.
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