74 S. Basil (De Spiritu S. c. xvi. § 38), after quoting the same passage, Col. i. 16, proceeds - ei!te kuriothtej, kai\ ei! tine/j ei'sin e!terai logikai\ fu/seij a 9katono/mastoi. The last word shews that Basil had in mind this passage of Cyril, who after the names of nations in § 22, adds kai\ tou\j loi/pouj a'katonoma/stouj h 9mi=n.
79 In regard to the caution with which St. Cyril here speaks, we must remember that the heresy of Macedonius had not yet given occasion to the formal discussion and determination of the "nature and substance" of the Holy Ghost.
81 Num. xi. 24, 25. "Modad" is the form of the name in LXX..
82 The apocryphal book of Eldad and Modad is mentioned by Hermas, Shepherd, Vis. ii. § 3. S. Basil, Liber de Spir. S.. cap. 61, referring to Num. xi. 26, says that the Spirit rested permanently only upon Eldad and Modad.
86 Acts viii. 18. On this passage of Cyril, see the section on "Chrism" in the Introduction.
99 Neh. ix. 20. Ezra and Nehemiah form one book "Ezra" in the Hebrew Canon.
100 pneumatofo/rwn, used only twice in the Sept. (Hosea ix. 7; Zeph. iii. 4), and in an unfavourable sense. With Cyril's use of it compare Theophilus, Ad Autolyc. ii. 9: Qeou= a'nqrw/pouj pneumatofo/rouj Pneu/matoj a'gi/ou.
115 Gen. xlvi. 29; Luke xv. 20.
117 Ib. xxxvi. 25; Cat. iii. 16.
1 tai=j th=j umete/raj a'ga/phj a'koai=j. Compare § 30,, below: suggw/mhn ai'tw= para\ th=j u 9mete/raj a'ga/phj. Ignat. Philadelph. c. iv. (Long recension): qarrw=n gra/fw th= a'cioqe/w a'ga/ph u 9mw=n. "Caritas" is constantly used in the same manner.
10 Compare Basil. de Sp. Sancto, c. 38: "By the Father's will the ministering spirits subsist, and by the operation of the Son they are brought into existence, and by the presence of the Holy Ghost are perfected: and the perfection of Angels is sanctification and continuance therein."
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |