99 Vincentius and Vito.

100 1 Tim. i. 10.

101 Joh. xiv. 27.

102 The names of few are known; perhaps Marcellus, Asclepas, Paul of Constantinople, Lucius of Adrianople. vid. Montf. in loc. Tillem. Mem. tom. 7. p. 272.

103 These outrages took place immediately on the dismission of Elpidius and Philoxenus, the Pope's legates, from Antioch. Athan. Hist. Ar. 12.

104 e.g. Sarapammon and Potamo, both Confessors, who were of the number of the Nicene Fathers, and had defended Athan. at Tyre, were, the former banished, the latter beaten to death. vid. infr. Hist. Ar. 12.

105 The Pseudo-Sardican Council, i.e. that of Philippopolis, retort this accusation on the party of Marcellus; Hilar. Fragm. iii. 9. but the character of the outrages fixes them on the Arians, vid. infr. §45, note [There were doubtless outrages on both sides].

106 Vid. supr. §25.

107 1 Cor. xiv. 33.

108 Ad Ep. Aeg. 5. de Syn. 5.

109 Eph. iv 30.

110 Hist. Arian. §67.

111 Coustant in loc. fairly insists on them word "all," as shewing that S. Julius does not here claim the prerogative of judging by himself all Bishops whatever, and that what follows relates merely to the Church of Alexandria.

112 St. Peter (Greg. M. Epist. vii. Ind. 15. 40.) or St. Mark (Leo Ep. 9.) at Alexandria. St. Paul at Ancyra in Galatia (Tertull. contr. Marcion. iv. 5.) vid. Coustant. in loc.

113 Socrates says somewhat differently, "Julius wrote back .... that they acted against the Canons, because they had not called him to a Council, the Ecclesiastical Canon commanding that the Churches ought not to make Canons beside the will of the Bishop of Rome." Hist. ii. 17. Sozomen in like manner, "for it was a sacerdotal law, to declare invalid whatever was transacted beside the will of the Bishop of the Romans." Hist. iii. 10. vid. Pope Damasus ap. Theod. Hist. v. 10. Leon. Epist. 14. &c. In the passage in the text the prerogative of the Roman see is limited, as Coustant observes, to the instance of Alexandria; and we actually find in the third century a complaint lodged against its Bishop Dionysius with the Pope. [Prolegg. ch. iv. §4.]

114 diataceij. St. Paul says outwj en taij ekklhsiaij diatassomai.1 Cor. vii. 17. ta de loipa diatacomai. Ibid. xi. 34. vid. Pearson, Vind. Ignat. p. 298. Hence Coustant in col. Athan. would suppose Julius to refer to 1 Cor. v. 4. which Athan. actually quotes, Ep. Encycl. §2. supr. p. 93. Pearson, loc. cit. considers the diataceij of the Apostles, as a collection of regulation and usages, which more or less represented, or claimed to represent, what may be called St. Paul's rule, or St. Peter's rule, &c. Cotelier considers the diatazeij as the same as the didaxai, the "doctrine" or "teaching" of the Apostles. Praefat. in Const. Apost. So does Beveridge, Cod. Can. Illustr. ii. 9. §5.

115 [Petri] in Sede sua vivit potestas et excellit auctoritas Leon. Serm. iii. 3. vid. contra Barrow on the Supremacy, p. 116. ed. 1836. "not one Bishop, but all Bishops together through the whole Church, do succeed St. Peter, or any other Apostle.

116 Matt. xii. 36.

117 Of Nicodemia.

118 Hist. Ar. 15.

119 Musonian was originally of Antioch, and his name Strategius; he had been promoted and honoured with a new name by Constantine, for whom he had collected information about the Manichees. Amm. Marc. xv. 13, §1. In 354, he was Praetorian Prefect of the East. (vid. de Syn. 1, note 1.) Libanius praises him.

120 The Castrensians were the officers of the palace; castra, as stratopedon, infr. §86. being at this time used for the Imperial Court. vid. Gothofred in Cod. Theod. vi. 30. p. 218. Du Cange in voc.

121 To Philippopolis.

122 p. 111, note 2.

123 [Prolegg. ch. ii. §8 (2) b.]

124 Hist. Arian. §20.

125 [Prolegg. ch. ii. §3 (2) c. 1. and §8 (2) c.]

126 Vid. supr. p. 100, where Isauria, Thessaly, Sicily, Britain, &c., added. Also Theod. H. E. ii. 6. vid. p. 120 note 9 a.

127 Vid. infr. §51, note.

128 Supr. p. 107, note 9.

129 Vid. supr. §36. infr. §87.

130 Matt. x. 22.

131 Vid. Bingham. Antiqu. V. ii. 5. &c. Gieseler Eccl. Hist. vol. I. p. 242. Bassi. Biblioth. Jur. t. l. p. 276. Bellarm. de C eric. 28.

132 Supr. p. 109.

133 Vid. Encycl. Letter, infr. §46.

134 It will be observed that this Letter is nearly a transcript of the foregoing. It was first printed in the Benedictine Edition.

135 Matt. x. 22.

136 §36.

137 Vid. Theod. Hist. ii. 6. Hil. Fragm. ii.

138 Asclepas, or Asclepius of Gaza, Epiph. Hoer. 69. 4. was one of the Nicene Fathers, and according to Theod. Hist. i. 27. was at the Council of Tyre, which Athan. also attended, but only by compulsion. According to the Eusebians at Philippopolis, they had deposed him [17 years previously, but the number must be corrupt, or the statement incorrect]. They state, however, at the same time, that he had been condemned by Athanasius and Marcellus, vid. Hilar. Fragm. iii. 13. Sozomen, Hist. iii. 8. says that they deposed him on the charge of having overturned an altar; and, after Athan. infr. §47, that he was acquitted at Sardica on the ground that Eusebius of Caesarea and others had reinstated him in his see (before 339). There is mention of a Church built by him in Gaza ap. Bolland. Febr. 26. Vit. L. Porphyr. n. 20. p. 648.

139 Perhaps Lucius of Hadrianople, says Montfaucon, referring to Apol. de Fug. §3. vid. also Hist. Arian. 19.

140 Theodulus, Bishop of Trajanopolis in Thrace, who is here spoken of as deceased, seems to have suffered this persecution from the Eusebians upon their retreat from Sardica, vid. Athan. Hist. Arian. §19. We must suppose then with Montfaucon, that the Council, from whom this letter proceeds, sat some considerable time after that retreat, and that the proceedings spoken of took place in the interval. Socrates, however, makes Theodulus survive Constans, who died 350. H. E. ii. 26.

141 The usual proceeding of the Arians was to retort upon the Catholics the charges which they brought against them, supr. §33, note 4. Accordingly, in their Encyclical from Philippopolis, they say that "a vast multitude had congregated at Sardica, of wicked and abandoned persons, from Constantinople and Alexandria; who lay under charges of murder, blood, slaughter, robbery, plunder, spoiling, and all nameless sacrileges and crimes; who had broken altars, burnt Churches, ransacked private houses," &c. &c. Hil. Fragm. iii. 19.

142 p. 101.

143 Cf. §28.

144 Cf. de Decr. §25, note

145 De Syn. §25, note.

146 §44, note 9.

147 Vid. supr. §§13, note, and 36. About Stephanus, vid. infr. Hist. Arian. §20.

148 [For Macarius, read Arius.] These two Bishops were soon after the Council banished by Eusebian influence into upper Libya, where they suffered extreme ill usage vid. Hist. Arian. §18.

149 Vid. Acts xx. 29.

150 p. 95, note 4.

151 2 Cor. ii. 17.

152 2 Gal. i. 9.

153 2 Cor. vi. 14, 2 Cor vi. 15.

154 1 Cor. v. 3.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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