76 All these various conceptions of the Word are strictly Biblical: (1) The Word the only revealer of the Father, who otherwise could not be known; (2) The human body the temple of God; (3) The indwelling Word.

77 This ought to relieve Eusebius from any charge of Arianism in this relation, however "dangerous" the ground he has trodden on may be.

78 [These words (as Valesius observes) need not be too rigidly interpreted.-Bag.]

79 John i. 29.

80 [Isaiah liii. 4, Isaiah liii. 5, Isaiah liii. 6, Isaiah liii. 7. Septuagint, English translation p. 728.-Bag.] P. 889 of the Bagster ed., 1879. Though the first reasons make one feel as if the author had been in danger of slighting the atoning work of the Word, he here very clearly comes up, as usual, to the Biblical position.

81 Eparchies, ethnarchies, and toparchies.

82 This is a fair appeal, applicable to his present hearers. It at least was true of Constantine's reign, that it produced a state of relative peace and prosperity.

83 [Psalm lxxi. 7, Psalm lxxi. 8; Isaiah ii. 4. Septuagint.-Bag.] Psalm lxxii., English version.

84 Matt. xxviii. 19. There is an interesting various reading here, where Eusebius, with B. as against Aleph, adds something; but where B. and others have oun, and D, and others have nun, Eusebius has goun.

85 [Referring to Diocletian, and others of the persecuting emperors.-Bag.]

86 [Kuriakwn hciwntai twnepwnuiwn. The German "Kirche," the Scotch "Kirk," and the English "Church" are said, probably enough, to derive their origin from this Greek word.-Bag.]

87 Compare literature on the edicts of toleration.

88 [There is nothing which need surprise us in the praises of virginity, monkery, and asceticism, in a writer of the fourth century. The intelligent Christian will surely shrink from the thought of scribing, with Eusebius, these fruitful sources of corruption to the Lord himself.-Bag.]

89 Matt. xxiii. 38.

90 Matt. xxiv. 2,-apparently a paraphrase from memory.

91 Matt. xvi. 18.

92 The Syriac, Peschito, and possibly the Curetonian, the old Latin (Itala), probably both the Thebaic and Memphitic Coptic versions, at least, had been made at this time.

93 [The peace which Christ, at his birth, bestowed on the Roman world (Valesius).-Bag.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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I offer you my heart, O Lord, promptly and sincerely