2 al. "they are not riddles, God forbid! but this may be said, that," &c.
6 al. "when he showed Him sitting."
7 "The Passover was nigh," c. vi. 4.
10 al. "what a word of unbelief, spake they, exhorting."
15 al. "desiring their company and honor."
18 al. "He would have displayed greater signs of the Godhead, and revealed It in greater degree."
19 al. "at once a dispensation and a confidence."
23 al. "so also do ye; if rather."
7 sfadazo/ntwn, al. a0kmazo/ntwn.
9 al. "they were always eager for murder, and by means of these (feasts) desired to catch Him."
12 al. "and at the same time."
15 al. "which thing is especially characteristic of the multitude.'"
17 al. "they who seek Him and say."
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |