11 do/can: in our copies of St. Luke e!codon but St. Chrysostom's reading is that of a good many Mss. [None of the recent critical editions of the New Testament refer to any Greek Mss., uncial or cursive, with this reading. Chrysostom alludes to it again in Homily LVIII. 1.-R.]
15 Luke ix. 54, 55. [The latter clause is omitted in the R. V. text.-R.]
21 parebou/leueto. Comp. Philip. ii. 30.
22 [R. V., "I will make" (poih/sw) with the earliest Mss.Mark and Luke: "Let us Make."-R.]
25 Luke ix. 32. [R. V., margin, "having remained awake."]
36 Matt. xvii. 9. [In the last clause "the Son of Man" is omitted, and a0nasth=|is substituted for <\i>\eg0erqh=|<\|i>\. The former is the usual term in Mark; not in Matthew.-R.]
47 To/koj e9katostiai=oj, centesima usura, 1 per cent. per month.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |