1 See Mark iii. 3, 4, and Luke vi. 8, 9.
3 [R. V., "How much, then, is a man of more value than a sheep!"]
7 [to\n Despo/thn, not two titles, as the English rendering would suggest.-R.]
12 [So Mark and Luke, but not Matthew.-R.]
15 Matt. xii. 14. [R. V., "took counsel," etc.]
17 ["Their devices" is borrowed from verse 25, where the Greek phrase occurs ("their thoughts," A. V.)-R.]
19 [So Chrysostom, with the received text. Comp. R. V.-R.]
20 Matt. xii. 15, 16. ["To no man," peculiar to Chrysostom.-R.]
23 Mat,. xii. 17-21. see Isa. xlii. 1-4. [ R. V., "hope" for "trust".]
24 2 Cor. x. 6. [R. V., "being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be fulfilled."]
25 o9 a0gaphto\j-tou= filoume/nou. See Isa. v. 1. ["well beloved" answers to the former term, rendered "beloved" above.-R.]
26 Matt. xii. 22. ["Then was brought" (A. V. and R. V.), but the other form occors in the Homily. R. V. omits "both.".-R. ]
27 [R. V., "Is this the Son of David ?"]
1 Matt. ix. 34. ["Demons," and so throughout.-R.]
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |