8 Matt. x. 16.

9 [R. V., "proclaim."]

10 Matt. x. 27.

11 gumnh=| th=| kefalh=|.

12 John xiv. 12.

13 uporuttontoj.

14 Matt. x. 28.

15 [Chrysostom plainly refers this to God, not Satan. Hence the capital letter of the Oxford translator.-R].

16 See received text above, Hom. IX. 4. [The reading here followed is accepted by several others of the Fathers but has no Mss. authority. See Tischendorf, in loco. In Homily IX. 4, there is no variation from the Greek text, as now attested.-R.]

17 Matt. x. 29.30.

18 Matt. x. 31.

19 [R. V. "Every one therefore, shall confess me (Greek in me) before men, him (Greek, in him)," etc, See the use made in the Homily of the Greek preposition "in."-R.]

20 Matt. x. 32, 33.

21 tw=| xro/nw| plenoektei=, "he is beforehand with his rewarder:" his sufferings, and the sinner's enjoyment, come respectively first.

22 Rom. viii. 24. ["Saved in hope" or "for hope" expresses better, and agrees with the argument in the Homily.-R.]

23 dia/plasij, "the moulding of it by the informing soul."

24 Ps. xlv. 12, LXX.

1 [R. V,"came."]

2 [R. V. "came not."]

3 Luke ii. 14.

4 Gen. xi. 7,8.

5 Acts xxiii. 6, 7

6 1 Kings xxi.

7 Matt. x. 35. [R. V., "I came," etc.]

8 Rom. xi. 8.

9 Exod. xxxii. 29; Numb. xxv. 7-11.

10 Matt. x. 36.

11 Micah vii. 5 6.

12 Luke xii. 49.

13 h!leife, "would anoint them for action."

14 Matt. x. 37, 38.

15 Deut. xxxiii. 9.

16 Eph. vi. 1. See there St. Chrysostom's explanation of the expression, "in the Lord."

17 Luke xiv. 26.

18 Matt. x. 38. Comp. Luke xiv. 27. [The word "beareth" (from Luke) is here substituted for "taketh".R.]

19 Matt. x. 39

20 Or "soul;" the same word standing in the Greek for both"soul'" and "life;" which makes it impossible to give the full force of the passage in English.

21 Matt. x. 40.

22 Matt. x. 41.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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