18 Matt. v.45.

19 Luke xxiii. 34.

20 Rom. viii. 34.

21 se to\n a!ndra ei!osontai, "they will know thee to be the man."

22 Matt. v. 46.

23 Heb. xii. 4.

24 a9yi=daj.

25 1 Thess. iv. 13.

26 1 Thess. iv. 5.

27 <\i>\telwnai/<\|i>\, rec. text. [But oi9 e0qnikoi/, the reading accepted by Chrysostom, is supported by the best authorities of every class. Comp. R.V.-R.]

28 Matt. v.47.

29 Matt. v. 48. [The text of the Homily has gi/nesqe, which is probably imperative, but in Matt. v.48, e!sesqe is the undisputed reading: comp. R. V., "Ye therefore shall be perfect," etc.-R.]

1 [All authorities of an early period, including many fathers prior to Chrysostom, read dikaiosu/nhn comp. R. V.). It seems likely that the apparent homiletical advantage of the other reading made it the common one.z-R.]

2 Luke xviii. 12.

3 Or, "by the publican :" to=| telw/nh| e0nedei/knuto. [The dative is correctly rendered in the text, but the verb is used in a figurative sense.-R.]

4 Luke xviii. 11.

5 Phil. iii. 2. ["The dogs," so R. V.-R.]

6 [kai\ ga/r.]

7 Matt. v. 45.

8 Matt. vi. 1.

9 Matt. vi. 2.

10 e0kpompeu/wn.

11 [dia\ tou=to.]

12 [As in the previous clause, "ought we to act."-R.]

13 Matt. vi. 3.

14 skaiou/j, literally, "on the left hand."

15 Matt. vi. 4. [The phrase e0n to=| fanero=| supported in verses 4, 6, 18. It seems, however, to be accepted by Chrysotom.. The R. V. properly renders "recompense thee" to distinguish from the word "reward" (misqo/n), which occurs in verse a and similar passages.-R.]

16 Matt. vi. 5. [R. V., "to stand and pray," and, "They have received their reward."-R.]

17 Matt. vi. 6. [R. V., "Enter into thine inner chamber and having shut thy door, pray," etc.-R.] 3.

18 surfetwdw=j.

19 e0pieikei/aj.

20 Exod, xiv. 15.

21 1 Sam. i. 13.

22 Gen. iv. 10.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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