7 For a fuller account of all these events, see Life cf St. John Chrysostom by W. R. W. Stephens (pp.298-356, 3d edition).
2 <\i>\ tw=n ou0den o0ntwn ou0daminw/tera<\|i>\.
3 Holy vessels would be the literal rendering of the word (<\i>\ske/uesi<\|i>\), but it is clear from what follows that the altar is intended.
4 Possibly an allusion to the curtain which in Eastern Churches, was drawn in front of the altar.
10 <\i>\o0u to/pon mo0non a0lla\ kai= tro/pon<\|i>\.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |