1 The manuscripts vary in their headings between Tractatus, Sermones, and Homiliae. In three copies used by the Benedictine editors the title is thus given: "Aurelii Augustini Doctoris Hippon. Episc. Homiliae in Evangelium Dom. Jesu secundum Joannem incipiunt, quas ipse colloqendo prius ad populum habuit, et inter loquendum a notariis exceptas, eo quo habitae sunt ordine, verbum ex verbo postea dictavit."-Migne III. II. 1378.
2 Ad Pathos is a mistake which is found also in some Mss. of the Vulgate and has led to different conjectures. See note to the Prologue, and Critical Introductions to the N. T., e. g. that of Weiss (1886), p. 468. He favors the conjecture pro\j parde/nouj, ad virgines, which Clement of Alex. gives as the superscription to the second Epistle of John. Others conjecture tou= paro=e/nou, (virginis), or Ad sparsos, etc.
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