26 Matt. xxv. 8.

27 Matt xxv. 9.

28 Prov. i. 26.

29 Matt xxv. 9.

30 Impinguabit.

31 Ps. cxl. 5, Sept. (cxli. English version).

32 Titillant.

33 Matt. vi. 12.

34 Prov. xx. 8, 9, Sept.

35 Ps. cxliii. 2.

36 Matt. vi. 1, etc.

37 Matt. v. 16.

38 Matt. vii. 7.

39 Matt. xxv. 10.

40 Matt. vii. 7.

41 Ps. ci. 1.

42 Matt. xxv. 12.

43 Matt. xxv. 13.

44 Vegetentur.

45 Incorporeis.

46 Fluctuant.

1 Vid. Serm. xxix. (lxxix. Ben.).

2 Meritum.

3 Eph. vi. 5; Tit. ii. 9.

1 Saginam laudis eructuate.

2 Mark viii. 6.

3 Ps. cxix. 164.

4 Ps. xxxiv. 1.

5 Rev. i. 4.

6 Voraces, Edd. ant.; veraces, B from 1 Ms. 2da manu.

7 Mark viii. 6.

8 Matt. xv. 38.

9 Matt. xxii. 11.

10 Ps. xliv. 3 (xlv. 2, English version).

11 Positio.

12 Isa. liii. 2, Sept.

13 Phil. ii. 6.

14 Phil. ii. 7, 8.

15 Cant. i. 8.

16 Cant. viii. 5, Sept. Dealbata, "not as women whiten themselves, who would appear what they are not; not as a whitened wall,-not thus whitened, but enlightened, because not of itself white.-Grace came illumining and whitening; first thou wert black, but hast been made white by His grace. For ye were darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord." St. Aug. In Ps. 103, s. 1, ยง 6.

17 Matt. xxii. 12, etc.

18 Matt. xxii. 14.

19 Vid. Serm. xl. (xc. Ben.) 5, etc.

20 Jas. ii. 19.

21 Involucrum.

22 1 Cor. xiii. 1, etc.

1 Mark viii. 34.

2 Ps. xvi. 4, Sept. (xvii. English version).

3 Matt. xi. 30.

4 2 Tim iii. 2.

5 Luke xv. 17.

6 Luke xv. 18.

7 Jer. xvii. 5.

8 Mark x. 37.

9 Vid. Serm. xxxviii. (lxxxviii. Ben.) 13 (xiv). Matt. xx. 31.

10 Gen. i.

11 John i. 10.

12 Eccles. vii. 30, Sept. (vii. 29, English version).

13 1 John ii. 15, etc.

14 2 Cor. v. 19.

15 John xv. 18.

16 John iii. 17.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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