32 Luke iv. 34; Matt. xvi. 16.

33 Acts xv. 9.

34 Gal. v. 6.

35 2 Cor. xii. 2-4.

36 Isa. lxvi. 1.

37 Thronus.

38 Sedes.

39 Isa. xl. 12.

40 An ipse Deus tantus est in sedendo quantus in palmo.

41 Ps. lxv. 4, Sept. (lxvi. English version).

42 In the Communion Office.

43 Col. iii. 1, 2.

44 Ps. xix. 1.

45 Interim.

46 Eph. iii. 17, etc.

47 Si tibi intellectus hic non displicet advoca te comprehendere.

48 Rom. xi. 34.

49 Ps. xxxvi. 6.

50 2 Chron. xix. 7; Rom. ix. 14.

51 Frustra.

52 Ps. cxi. 10.

53 Heb. xii. 14.

1 Matt. v. 16.

2 Justitiam, Vulgate.

3 Matt. vi. 1.

4 Matt. vi. 24.

5 Rom. i. 1.

6 2 Cor. iv. 2.

7 2 Cor. viii. 21.

8 1 Cor. x. 33.

9 Gal. vi. 4.

10 2 Cor. i. 12.

11 Gal. i. 10.

12 Phil. ii. 21.

13 Phil. iii. 8, 9.

14 2 Cor. v. 21.

15 Rom. x. 3.

16 Pietate.

17 1 Cor. x. 33.

18 1 Cor. x. 33.

1 Matt. v. 22.

2 Jas. iii. 8.

3 In unum.

4 Ps. lxxxix. 1, Sept. (xc. English version).

5 Ps. cxxxix. 7.

6 Amos iii. 8.

7 There is a paranomasia here in the original, which it is not possible to preserve in the translation: "Esse jumentum, hoc est adjumentum infirmitatis suae."

8 Piissimo.

9 1 Cor. xv. 28.

10 Potus.

11 Heb. xii. 8.

12 Heb. xii. 7, 9.

13 Blandiris.

1 These were the last of the classes into which the catechumens were distributed, and were so called because they were now so far advanced as to "seek for baptism." See Serm. 216. 1 (Ad competentes, quid enim aliud sunt competentes, quam simul petentes) and Serm. 228. 1 (Competentes dicebantur quoniam materna viscera, ut nascerentur, petendo pulsabant). Bingham, Antiqu. B. x. ch. ii. sects. 5-12. See Conf. B. ix. 6 (14).

2 Joel ii. 32.

3 Rom. x. 13, etc.

4 Daemonibus.

5 Ps. cix. 7.

6 1 Tim. i. 13.

7 Luke xxiii. 34.

8 Gal. i. 22, etc.

9 Matt. vi. 8.

10 Exaudientis effectus.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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