188 Ps. xcii. 5, 6.

189 Mark xv. 24.

190 [There is so much force in the positions of Augustin in regard to the time of day, that one may overlook the irrelevant arguments he introduces. He at least candidly accepts the readings before him. The supposition of an early confusion of the numbers has no support, and such an alteration is altogether unlikely.-R.]

191 Matt. xxvi. 66; Mark xiv. 64.

192 [This view is extremely fanciful. "Preparation" was a Jewish term, with a distinct meaning. In early Christian times it meant Friday. To modify the sense is impossible.-R.]

193 See above, Book ii. ch. 20.

194 Matt. xxvii. 38.

195 Mark xv. 27; Luke xxiii. 33.

196 John xix. 18.

197 Matt. xxvii. 39, 40.

198 Matt. xxvii. 41-43.

199 Mark xv. 29-32; Luke xxiii. 35-37.

200 Matt. xxvii. 44.

201 Mark xv. 32.

202 Luke xxiii. 39.

203 Luke xxiii. 40-43.

204 Heb. xi. 33.

205 Heb. xi. 37.

206 Ps. ii. 2.

207 Acts iv. 26, 27.

208 Matt. xxvii. 45.

209 Mark xv. 33-36; Luke xxiii. 44, 45.

210 Matt. xxvii. 46, 47.

211 Matt. xxvii. 48.

212 Mark xv. 36.

213 Matt. xxvii. 49.

214 Luke xxiii. 36.,37.

215 See chap. xvi.

216 [This act of the soldiers was probably distinct from the giving of the vinegar referred to by the other evangelist; it belongs to the time when all were mocking the Crucified One.-R.]

217 John xix. 28, 29.

218 Matt. xxvii. 50.

219 Mark xv. 37.

220 Luke xxiii. 46.

221 John xix. 30.

222 [This view of the order is altogether the more probable one. See commentaries.-R.]

223 Matt. xxvii. 51.

224 Mark xv. 38.

225 Luke xxiii. 45.

226 Matt. xxvii. 51-53.

227 Matt. xxvii. 54.

228 Mark xv. 39.

229 Luke xxiii. 47.

230 Matt. xxvii. 55, 56.

231 Mark xv. 40, 41.

232 Luke xxiii. 48, 49.

233 John xix. 25-27.

234 Matt. xxvii. 57, 58.

235 [Augustin's text has jam a second time, agreeing with some early Greek Mss. Comp. Revised Version margin, "were already dead."-R.]

236 Mark xv. 42-45.

237 Luke xxiii. 50-52.

238 John xix. 38.

239 Matt. xxvii. 59, 60.

240 [All three evangelists use the same term in referring to "the linen cloth." so the Latin text, The Authorized Version makes an unnecessary variation. John uses another word: see below.-R.]

241 Mark xv. 46.

242 Luke xxiii. 53.

243 John xix. 39.

244 John xix. 40-42.

245 [John uses the term o0qoni/oij, which the Latin renders linteis. Augustin's discussion is not intelligible unless this variation is recognised.-R.]

246 Matt. xxvii. 61.

247 Mark xv. 47.

248 Matt. xxvii. 62-66.

249 Vespere autem Sabbati. [The Greek does not present the difficulty which is found in the Latin text, and discussed by Augustin in ยง 65 (latter part). The phrase is properly rendered in the Revised Version, "Now late on the Sabbath day."-R.]

250 The editions often give, in prima Sabbati = on the first day of the week. The best Mss. read, as above, in primam, etc.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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