488 Matt. xxi. 23-27.

489 Mark xi. 27-33; Luke xix. 47-xx. 8.

490 [The order of occurrences during this day of public controversy in the temple presents few difficulties. It was probably the Tuesday of Passion Week. The day of the month is in dispute because of the still mooted question, whether our Lord ate the last passover at the regular time or one day earlier.-R.]

491 Matt. xxi. 28-44.

492 Mark xii. 1-11; Luke xx. 9-18.

493 Luke xx. 15-17.

494 John xi. 49-51.

495 Ps. cxviii. 26; Matt. xxi. 9.

496 Keeping quia veritas est, for which the reading qui veritas est = "who is the truth," also occurs.

497 John iv. 1.

498 1 Cor. xv. 6.

499 Aiunt illi.

500 Aiunt illi.

501 That is to say, the aiunt illi is the rendering for le/gousin au0tw=. [This reading of the Greek text is abundantly attested.-R.]

502 Liberi eritis.

503 John viii. 31-37.

504 Matt. xxi. 45-xxii. 14.

505 Luke xiv. 16-24.

506 Mark xii. 12; Luke xx. 19.

507 Matt. xxii. 15-33.

508 Mark xii. 13-27; Luke xx. 20-40.

509 Matt. xxii. 34-40.

510 Another but evidently faulty reading is sometimes found here,-namely, Lucas autem hoc tacet et in fine Marcus, etc. = whereas Luke says nothing about that, and Mark tells us, etc.

511 Minorabitur. Ecclus. xix. 4.

512 Luke x. 25-37.

513 Luke x. 29.

514 Matt. xxii. 41-46.

515 Mark xii. 35-37.

516 Luke xx. 41-44.

517 Matt. xxiii.

518 Matt. xii. 39-46.

519 Luke xi. 29-39.

520 Luke xi. 40-52.

521 In Matt. xxiii.

522 Matt. xxiii. 39.

523 Matt. xxi. 9.

524 Luke xiii. 31-35.

525 In claritate.

526 Matt. xxiv. 1, 2. According to Migne, certain codices add here the clause, "when the disciples were asking the Lord privately what was the sign of His coming."

527 Mark xii. 41-xiii. 2.

528 Luke xx. 16-xxi. 6.

529 [Many harmonists insert at this point the events narrated in John xii. 20-50. Augustin does not express an opinion in regard to this passage.-R.]

530 Matt. xxiv. 3-xxv. 46; Mark xiii. 4-37; Luke xxi. 7-36.

531 Matt. xxiv. 14.

532 Mark xiii. 10.

533 Matt. xxiv. 15.

534 Mark xiii. 14. [The Greek text of Mark, according to the best authorities, does not contain the phrase "spoken of by Daniel the prophet." Augustin also omits the clause, but the Edinburgh edition inserts it, following the Authorized Version. It has therefore been stricken out in this edition.-R.]

535 Luke xxi. 20.

536 Matt. xxiv. 16-18.

537 Luke xxi. 21.

538 Luke xxi. 34-36.

539 Matt. xxvi. 1, 2 [It cannot be determined with certainty how much time is to be included in the phrase "after two days." Moreover, the difficulty in regard to the time of the Last Supper affects this question, to some extent at least.-R.]

540 Mark xiv. 1; Luke xxii. 1.

541 John xi. 55, xii. 1, xiii. 1.

542 John xii. 1.

543 John xi. 55.

544 Ubi fuerat Lazarus mortuus quem suscitavit Jesus.

545 John xii. 1, 2.

546 Matt. xxvi. 2-5, 14, etc.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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I offer you my heart, O Lord, promptly and sincerely