41 Rom. viii. 3. [Comp. Revised Version margin.-R.]
42 Ut de peccato damnaret peccatum in carne. [Revised Version, "And as an offering for sin," etc.-R.]
45 In his Retractations (ii. 16) Augustin refers to this sentence in order to chronicle a correction. He tells us that, instead of saying that "Luke carries the genealogy upwards to the same David through Nathan, by which prophet God took away his sin," he should have said "by a prophet of which name," etc., because although the name was the same, the progenitor was a different person from the prophet Nathan.
47 Matt. xviii. 22. [Augustin apparently follows the rendering: "seventy times and seven" (see Revised Version margin), accepted by Meyer and many others. His whole argument turns upon the presence of the number "eleven" as a factor.-R.]
48 Transgressio, overstepping.
51 [The omission of "Jesus" is an early variation of the Latin text of the Gospel.-R.]
53 Gratia plena. [Comp. Revised Version margin.-R.]
54 Quae cum vidisset. Others read audisset, heard. [The better Greek Mss. omit the clause. The variation in the Latin text here was probably due to the later gloss of the scribes.-R.]
55 Various editions insert ex te, of thee; but the words are omitted in three Vatican Mss., and most of the Gallican. See Migne's note. [Omitted in the Greek text, according to the best authorities.-R.]
56 Luke i. 26-34. [Ver. 34 is differently rendered in the text of the Revised Version. The Latin of Augustin would perhaps admit of the same sense, but is more naturally explained as above.-R.]
57 Vocabitur. The Mss. give vocabunt, they shall call; one Ms. gives vocabis, thou shalt call. [The proper reading is probably vocabunt; at all events, this accords with the Greek text. The variations can be accounted for by the presence of vocabitur and vocabis in previous part of the paragraph.-R.]
58 [The best Greek Mss. read "a son" in Matt. i. 23. In Luke ii. 7 "first-born" occurs.-R.]
62 Matt. i. 18; Luke i. 5. [In this extended citation from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, the Latin text given by Augustin is in many cases, more closely reproduced in the Revised Version than in the Authorized. The translator has, as usual, taken the language of the latter, except in a few places, where the difference seemed more important and striking.-R.]
64 [Tacens; the fair equivalent of the original Greek phrase properly rendered "silent'" in the Revised Version.-R.]
66 [Compare above on § 14.-R.]
72 Matt. i. 18. [The discovery of Mary's condition probably occurred, as the order of Augustin implies, after the return of Mary from the visit to Elizabeth. But it is altogether uncertain whether it preceded the birth of John the Baptist.-R.]
73 Matt. i. 18-25. [The last clause of ver. 25 is omitted here, but given in §14. Possibly the variation was intentional.-R.]
76 [Vocabunt, "would have called," answering to the Greek imperfect of arrested action.-R.]
78 Describeretur, registered. [Revised Version, "should be enrolled."-R.]
79 Descriptio prima [This is now the accepted sense of the phrase in Luke ii. 2; Comp. Revised Version.-R.]
80 Reading praeside Syriae Syrino; in some Mss. it is a praeside, etc., and sub praeside also occurs.
81 Profiterentur, to make their declaration.
82 Profiteretur, make his declaration.
83 Hominibus bonae voluntatis. [Comp Revised Version.-R.]
86 Matt. ii. 1. [It is here assumed that the visit of the Magi preceded the presentation in the temple. But this order cannot be positively established. The two events must be placed near together. In chap. xi. Augustin implies that there was an interval of some length. The traditional date of the Epiphany (Jan. 6) is clearly too early, since it assumes an interval of twenty-seven days.-R.]
91 Peter ejus et mater. ["Joseph" was early substituted. Augustin follows the text now accepted on the authority of the best Greek Mss.-R.]
92 Confitebatur, made acknowledgment.
93 Reading redemptionem Jerusalem; for which some editions gave redemptionem Israel.
96 [The briefer reading, here accepted, is more correctly rendered in the Revised Version.-R.]
99 Parentes ejus. ["Joseph and His mother" is the later reading, followed in the Authorized Version.-R.]
100 In his quae Patris mei sunt. [Comp. Revised Version.-R.]
101 Reading, with the Mss., conservabat omnia verba haec in corde suo. Some editions insert conferens, pondering them.
102 Aetate. [So Revised Version margin.-R.]
105 In Isaia propheta. [So the Greek text, according to the best Mss. Comp. Revised Version-R.]
115 Juvenilis aetas. For juvenilis aetas, the Mss. give regularly juvenalis aetas.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |