363 See his work preceding this, De Peccat. Meritis, ii. 7.
366 Deut. xxxi. 3; comp. Judg. ii. 3
369 Augustin, it would then seem had not met with the statement of Eusebius, as translated by Rufinus (Hist. vi. 24), to the effect that Gregory, bishop of Neocaesarea, in Pontus, once performed the miracle of removing a mountain or rock from its place; which Bede also mentions, Comment. on Mark xi., Book iii.
372 Compare Matt. xvii. 20, Mark xi. 23, Luke xvii. 6.
391 The Benedictine editor is not satisfied with the place of the lines in the parenthesis. He would put them in an earlier position, perhaps before the clause beginning with, "Only let us see to it," etc.
411 [i.e., the work of Augustin against Julianus, which was left incomplete at his death, and hence is called the Imperfect Work.-W.]
1 See Sallust's Prologue to his Jugurtha.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |