16 In the Councils at Rome and Arles.
17 This digest will be found in the 9th volume of Benedictine edition of Augustin's Works. Breviculus collationis cum Donatistis, p. 371 sqq., reproduced in Migne 613, sqq.
25 Discerne causam meam. The Eng. Vers. has, "plead my cause against an ungodly nation."
42 Ter. Adelph. act 1. sc. i. 32, 33.
43 This is not found in the extant plays of Terence.
53 Accipiant: sc. the baptizer and the baptized: and so the Mss. The common reading is "accipiat."
57 That of Carthage, held June 26 (more correctly, probably June 15th or 16th), 401.
58 The basilica of Fundus Calvianensis. See C. Crescon. iii. c. 43.
65 Cod. Theod. Lib. xvi. tit. v., de Haereticis, 52.
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