292 Simulacri; and so the Mss. The older editions have "adorandi simulacra;" but the singular is more forcible in its special reference to the image on the plain of Dura. Dan. iii.
294 This is illustrated by the words of Augustin, Epist. 105, ad Donatistas, c. I. 7: "Do ye not know that the words of the king were: `I thought it good to show the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought toward me. How great are His signs! and how mighty are His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion from generation to generation0' (Dan. iv. 2, 3)? Do you not, when you hear this, answer Amen, and by saying this in a loud voice, place your seal on the king's decree by a holy and solemn act?" In the Gothic liturgy this declaration was made on Easter Eve (when the third chapter of Daniel is still read in the Roman Church), and the people answered "Amen".
295 Nam nemo vivit invitus; et tamen puer ut hoc volens discat, invitus vapulat. Perhaps a better reading is, "Nam nemo vult invitus; et tamen puer ut volens discat," etc., leaving out "hoc," which is wanting in the Fleury Mss.: "No one wishes against his will; and yet a boy, wishing to learn, is beaten against his will."
325 Ps. cxli. 5; cp. LXX and Hieron.
326 Prov. xxvii. 6; cp. LXX. and Hieron.
328 Compare Tract. xv. 27 in Joannem: "Messiah was anointed. The Greek for `anointed0' is `Christ,0' the Hebrew Messiah; whence also in Phoenician we have `Messe0' for `anoint.0' For these languages, the Hebrew, Phoenician and Syrian, are closely cognate, as well as geographically bordering on each other." See also Max Müller's Lectures on the Science of Language, series I. Lect. VIII. "The ancient language of Phoenicia, to judge from inscriptions, was most closely allied to Hebrew."
334 Apparently misquoted from 1 Sam. ii. 25.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |