6 [A good argumentum ad hominem, a species of argument which Augustin is fond of using.-A. H. N.].
4 [This is a good description of ideal Manichaean religious life. Whether Faustus lived up to the claims here set forth is another question.-A. H. N.]
23 [Augustin confounds saving faith with orthodox doctrine, as has been too commonly done since.-A. H. N.].
6 [In bringing to notice the absurdities of the Manichaean moral system, Augustin may seem to be trifling, but he is in reality striking at the root of the heresy.-A, H. N.]
15 [Compare the Introduction, where an abstract is given of the Fihrist's account of the creation.-A. H. N.].
16 [These biological blunders belong to the age, and are not Augustin's peculiar fancies. Of course, the argumentative value of them depends on their general acceptance.-A. H. N.]
19 [It will be seen in subsequent portions of this treatise that Augustin carries the typological idea to an absurd extreme.-A. H. N.].
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |