30 2 Cor. xi. 14.

31 Cicero, C. Verrem, vi. 8.

32 Cicero, C. Catilinam, iii. 8.

33 Alluding to the sanctuary given to all who fled to Rome in its early days.

34 Virgil, Aeneid, i. 278.

1 Compare Aug. Epist. ad Degogratias, 102, 13; and De Prae. Sanci., 19.

2 Ch. 4.

3 Virg, George. i. 502, Laomedontrae luminus perjuria Trajae.

4 Iliad, xx. 293 et seqq.

5 Aeneid. v. 810, 811.

6 Gratis et ingratis.

7 De Cat. vi.

8 Helens's husband.

9 Venus' husband.

10 Suetonius, in his Life of Julius Caesar (c. 6), relates that, in pronouncing a funeral oration in praise of his aunt Julia, Caesar claimed for the Julian gens to which his family belonged a descent from Venus, through Julus, son of Eneas.

11 Livy, 83, one of the lost books; and Appian, in Mithridat.

12 The gates of Janus were not the gates of a temple, but the gates of a passage called Janus, which was used only for military purposes; shut therefore in peace, open in war.

13 The year of the Consuls T. Manlius and C. Atilius, A.u.C. 519.

14 Sall. Conj. Cat. ii.

15 Aeneid, viii. 326-7.

16 Sall. Cat. Conj. vi.

17 Aeneid, xi. 532.

18 Ibid. x. 464.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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