39 Of the Thrasymene Lake and Cannae.
41 Constantious, Constantine, and Constans.
42 Panegyr, de tertio Honorii consulatu.
5 Of the four books De Acad., dedicated to Varro, only a part of the first is extant.
6 Cicero, De Quaest. Acad. i. 3.
7 In his book De Metris,, chapter on phalaecian verses.
8 Tarquin the Proud, having bought the books of the sibyl, appointed two men to preserve and interpret them (Dionys. Halic. Antiq. iv. 62. These were afterwards increased to ten, while the plebeians were contended for larger privileges; and subsequently five more were added.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |