454 See Jeromes Letter, LXVIII., sec. 2, p. 325.
459 Job vii. 1, according to the LXX., and more correctly than in E.V.
469 Ps. iv. 7, according to the LXX.
472 Ps. lxviii 11, in LXX. version.
477 "Videntem meum Didymum "-Didymus of Alexandria, who, at the time when Jerome wrote his book on ecclesiastical writers (A.D. 392), was above ninety-three years of age. He became blind when he was five years old, but by perseverance attained extraordinary learning, and was much esteemed.
478 The younger Apollinarius, who in 380 was excommunicated for error regarding the Incarnation. His works were valuable, but have been almost all lost, being not transcribed because of his lapsing into heresy.
482 In the tenth book of his Stroniata, where he expounds the Epistle to the Galatians.
483 This year (404) was the year of John Chrysostom's banishment from Constantinople, after being pontiff there for ten years.
486 Acts xiv. 27, and xv. 1-12.
492 Acts xxiii. 23, xxviii. 14, 30.
497 Matt. xi. 13 and Luke xvi. 16.
505 Letter XL. sec. 5, p. 273.
508 Phil, iii. 8. Letter XL. sec.6, p.274.
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