284 Compare Letter XXXVI. sec. 32, p. 270.
289 In his Retractations, b. ii. ch. xx., Augustin remarks on this statement: "I do not recollect any passage by which it could be substantiated, except from the book of Wisdom (ch. xvi. 21), which the Jews do not admit to be of canonical authority." He says, in the same place, that this peculiarity of the manna must have been enjoyed only by the pious in Israel, not by the murmurers who said, "Our soul loatheth this light bread" (Num. xxi. 5).
294 "Ante" is the reading of seven Mss. The Benedictine edition gives "post" in the text. We think the former gives better sense.
298 Had Augustin not been obliged to take his Hebrew at second hand, he might have seen that the word xep%
does not bear out his interpretation. Ex. xii. 13, 27
305 Col. ii. 12 and Rom. vi. 4.
328 Ps. x. 3, as rendered by Aug.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |