4 Dupin, ut supra, p. 17. See also Bryce's Holy Roman Empire, pp. 43 and 100. He pronounces "the Donation of Constantine" to be "the most stupendous of all the mediaeval forgeries. The Decretals certainly surpass it in their nature and their effects; but Mr. Bryce's reference to these is very feeble and unsatisfactory, after Dupin. See p. 156 of his work, ed. Macmillan, 1880.
1 Had the early Christians used icons,-i.e., pictures in their churches,-the churches themselves would everywhere have been visible proof against the Council of Frankfort and all who condemned icons. Sculptured images are not icons, technically.
3 Jacobite primate, died 1286.
5 Wake, Apostolic Fathers, p. 4.
10 Hist. of the Church, vol. i. p. 109 (Foreign Theol. Lib.).
11 Bayer, Historia Edessena e nummis illustrata, l. iii. p. 173.
12 Humphreys' Coin-Collector's Manual, p. 364.
15 The translator takes the opportunity of correcting the error by which the preparation of Tatian's work in vol. iii. of the Edinburgh Series was ascribed to him. The credit of it is due in the first instance to his lamented friend Mr. J. E. Ryland, at whose request, and subsequently by that of the editors, he undertook to correct the manuscript, but was soon obliged by other engagements to relinquish the task. [The correction was dult made in this series. See vol. ii. pp. 59, 61.]
1 By Eusebius of Caesarea.-TR. The MS. from which this extract from Eusebius is taken is numbered 14,639, fol. 15 b. It is described in Cureton's Corpus Ignatianum, p. 350.
2 Book I. chapter the thirteenth.-TR.
3 Properly Urrhoi, or Orrhoi ( ). It seems probably that the word is connected with Osrhoene, the name of the province in which Edessa held an important place, the correct form of which is supposed to be Orrhoene. The name Edessa ( ) occurs only once in these Documents, viz., in the "Acts of Sharbil," sub init.-TR.
4 "By this title all the toparchs of Edessa were called, just as the Roman emperors were called Caesars, the kings of Egypt Pharaohs or Ptolemies, the kings of Syria Antiochi." Assem., Bibl. Or., vol. i. p. 261. Assemani adds: "Abgar in Syriac means lame." Moses of Chorene, however, with more probability, derives it from the Armenian Avag-air, "grand homme, a cause de sa grande mansuetude et de sa sagesse, et de plus, a cause de sa taille." See below the extract from his History of Armenia, book ii. ch. 26.
5 Eusebius has di' e0pistolhfo/rou. See note on taxudro/mou, on next page.-TR.
6 Lit. "deemed him worthy of."-TR.
7 Gr. swthri/an: and so the Syriac word, meaning "life," is generally to be translated in this collection.-TR.
8 Syr. "near to him;" Gr. tw=n proshko/ntwn.
9 His real name was Judas Thomas: see p. 8.
10 The name is taken from Eusebius, but in the original Syriac treatises, which follow, he is called Addaeus.
11 In The Teaching of the Apostles he is said to have been one of the "seventy two apostles." His name, like that of Thomas, seems to have been the very common one, Judas.
12 These were kept in the archives of the kingdom, which were transferred by Abgar from Nisibis to Edessa when he made it the capital of his dominions. See Moses Chor. B. ii. ch. 27, infra. The archives appear to have been still kept at Edessa in a.d. 550. [Compare this fact with Tertullian's statement, vol. iii. p. 164.]
13 The kingdom of Edessa was brought to an end and entirely subjected to the Romans in a.d. 217 or 218.
14 The extract from the archives was probably made by Sextus Julius Africanus, and copied by Eusebius from his Chronographia.
16 Called Hanan in the original Syriac document; and so in Moses Chor.; Eusebius has 'Anani/aj, which is copied here.
17 Gr. taxudro/mou. But the post held by Hananias must have been one of more dignity than that of a courier. He was probably a Secretary of State. In The Acts of Addoeus (infra) he is called, in connection with the name Tabularius, a sharir, or confidential servant. It would seem that Tabularius has been confounded with Tabellarius, a letter-carrier. -TR.
18 Or "Abgar Uchomo." The epithet was peculiar to this King Abgar. He was the fourteenth king: the eleventh was calle dAbgar Sumoco, or "the Red." The occasion of the name "Black" is doubtful: it can hardly have arisen from the fact that Abgar was suffering, as Cedrenus asserts, from the black leprosy.-TR.
20 Comp. Matt. iv. 24; "And His fame went throughout all Syria," etc. See also Moses Chor. B. ii. c. 30.
21 Gr. a0ntigrafe/nta, "written in reply."
22 [John ix. 39, and xx. 29, 31; Hab. i. 5; with Isa. lii. 15, liii. 1.
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