1 In later Greek parqe/noj was used of both sexes (comp. Rev. xiv. 4). The Syriac original employs both a masculine an a feminine form. This will not always be indicated in the following translation.
3 Or "to the holy virgins who are in God: peace." So Zingerle, and probably Wetstein.
4 Zing., not so well, takes this to mean, "by the confession of the mouth" (durch das mündliche Bekenntniss), comparing Matt. vii. 21
6 The Greek word sxh=ma, here adopted in the Syriac, c, is some. times thus used.-Beelen.
13 Probably referring to 1 Cor. xiv. 40.-Beelen
17 Lit. "let every one be trying."
19 Matt. xii. 33. [More probably Luke vi. 44.-R.]
20 Or "consider". There is no play on words in the passage quoted (2 Tim ii. 7), nor perhaps was this intended in the Syriac.
22 Lit. "true in fear of God." The reading is probably faulty.-Beelen
23 The ellipsis is usually to be thus filled up in these epistles. [In similar cases which follow, italics will not be used.-R.]
25 Or "the sensual pleasures."
26 Or "from all intercourse with."
27 Either something is here omitted by the transcriber, or Clement has varied the form of expression.-Beelen.
28 "Sanctification."-Beelen. [So A. V. The R. V. correctly renders a9giasmoj, "sanctification," in every instance.-R].]
36 The words, "in the might of the Holy Spirit," appear to obscure the sense.-Beelen.
41 Lit. "the Eucharist of the Godhead." This is an evidence of later date than the sub-apostolic age.-R].]
45 i.e. continency. [The use of the terms "sanctity," "holy," etc., in the limited sense of "continency," "chaste," etc., is strong evidence of the later origin.-R]
46 The last two sentences properly belong to chap. vi.
60 1 Pet i. 15 (cf. Lev. xi. 44).
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |