1 In later Greek parqe/noj was used of both sexes (comp. Rev. xiv. 4). The Syriac original employs both a masculine an a feminine form. This will not always be indicated in the following translation.

2 Matt. xix. 12.

3 Or "to the holy virgins who are in God: peace." So Zingerle, and probably Wetstein.

4 Zing., not so well, takes this to mean, "by the confession of the mouth" (durch das mündliche Bekenntniss), comparing Matt. vii. 21

5 Lit. "by word or by name."

6 The Greek word sxh=ma, here adopted in the Syriac, c, is some. times thus used.-Beelen.

7 Lit. "much time."

8 Prov. iii. 3, 4 (LXX )

9 Lit. "fixed." Prov. iv. 18.

10 Matt. v. 14.

11 Isa. ix. 2: Matt. iv. 16.

12 Matt. v. 16; 1 Pet. ii. 12

13 Probably referring to 1 Cor. xiv. 40.-Beelen

14 Eph. v. 6.

15 Matt. xxv. 2.

16 2 Tim. iii 5

17 Lit. "let every one be trying."

18 Gal. vi. 3, 4

19 Matt. xii. 33. [More probably Luke vi. 44.-R.]

20 Or "consider". There is no play on words in the passage quoted (2 Tim ii. 7), nor perhaps was this intended in the Syriac.

21 2 Tim. ii. 7.

22 Lit. "true in fear of God." The reading is probably faulty.-Beelen

23 The ellipsis is usually to be thus filled up in these epistles. [In similar cases which follow, italics will not be used.-R.]

24 Gen. i. 28.

25 Or "the sensual pleasures."

26 Or "from all intercourse with."

27 Either something is here omitted by the transcriber, or Clement has varied the form of expression.-Beelen.

28 "Sanctification."-Beelen. [So A. V. The R. V. correctly renders a9giasmoj, "sanctification," in every instance.-R].]

29 2 Thess. ii. 13.

30 Col. i. 5.

31 Isa. lvi. 4, 5.

32 Heb. xiii. 4.

33 1 Cor. vii. 34.

34 Lit. "descend to".

35 2 Tim. ii 5

36 The words, "in the might of the Holy Spirit," appear to obscure the sense.-Beelen.

37 Gal. iv. 26.

38 Rev. xii. 7.

39 1 Pet. v. 8.

40 2 Cor. xi. 3.

41 Lit. "the Eucharist of the Godhead." This is an evidence of later date than the sub-apostolic age.-R].]

42 Matt. xvi. 24

43 Lit. "crown of victory."

44 Phil. iii. 14

45 i.e. continency. [The use of the terms "sanctity," "holy," etc., in the limited sense of "continency," "chaste," etc., is strong evidence of the later origin.-R]

46 The last two sentences properly belong to chap. vi.

47 Or "the Holy Virgin."

48 Matt. xi. 11.

49 Lit. "lover," or "friend."

50 John xxi. 20.

51 i.e., a virgin.

52 Phil. iv. 3.

53 i.e., virginity.

54 i.e., celibate. or chaste.

55 Heb. xiii. 7.

56 1 Cor. xi. 1.

57 Rom. xiii 14.

58 Gal. v. 24.

59 1 Cor vii. 32.

60 1 Pet i. 15 (cf. Lev. xi. 44).

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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