1 Or, diligence. [See note 2, p. 612.]
3 By these apocrisarii are meant the deputies of the bishops, and their locum tenentes, as it were, who manage the affairs of the Church, hear the cases of individuals, and refer them to the bishops. They are therefore calle dapocrisarii, i.e., responders, from a0pokri/nomai, oporteat Episcopos, chap. xii. Albericus understands by them the legates of the Pope. [Note 3.]
15 The MS reads, "and those wearing the priestly dignity."
18 Or, Gallus. [See note 5, p. 610.]
1 Callistus succeeded Zephyrinus in the bishopric of Rome, and discharged the duties of that office for five years. This is all the information which Eusebius (in his Chronicon and Hist. Eccl., vi. 21) gives us in regard to Callistus. Later writers make many other statements. [See note, p. 618.] The letters attributed to him form part of the False Decretals of the pseudo-Isidorus, mentioned in the notice of Zephyrinus.
7 See Augustine's Confessions, book ix. ch. ix.
2 The reference is to the 11th and 12th of the canons of the apostles. [Vol. vii. p. 501, this series.]
5 Canons 35 and 36. [Vol. vii. p. 503.]
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