54 [Compare Tatian's use of a like figure, vol. ii. note 2, p. 67, this series.]
58 For a0blabe/j in the text, we must, translating thus, read a0blabh=. If we translate, as we may, "Gnostic virtue is a thing everywhere good, and meek," etc., no change is required in the reading.
60 [From some lost work of his ]
63 [On these quotations see Lardner, Credib., ii. 256, and Jones, Canon. vol. i. p 373.]
69 kth/sewj, instead of kti/sewj, as in the text, and kth=sin for kti/sin in the next clause.
70 'Anastre/fei e0pi\ mo/nouj tou\j e0n sarki/. For which, as slightly preferable, Sylburg. proposes ;e!ti me/nontaj e0n sarki/, as above.
71 [See note 6, p. 48, supra.]
72 Adopting the reading, moi/raj, instead of that in the text, pei/raj.
73 [See note 6, p. 48, supra.]
75 Ps. xix. 1. [Here follow notes on successive verses, some not unworthy of an orthodox Father.]
80 For e0a=n, which is the reading of the text, Sylburgius' suggestion of ei!a or ei!ase has been adopted.
82 [No doubt he may have said this.]
83 Or rather, as Sylb. points out, this is a case of the past used for the present, etc.
84 parousi/an, kata/stasin, the reading of the text, is, as Sylburg. remarks, plainly corrupt; parau=san, as above, is the most obvious correction.
87 meq' here clearly should be kaq' or e0f'.
88 If we may venture to change au0tou= into au0tw=n.
89 'En th=| a0krh=| a0pokarasta/sei. The last word yields no suitable sense, and conjecture as to the right reading is vain; and we have left it untranslated. The Latin translator renders "qui in summa arce collocati sunt."
90 #Hlioj is (with marvellous ignorance of the Hebrew tongue, as Combefisius notices) here identified with Eli, yli)'
94 ai9 toiau=tai e0piqumi/ai, for which the Septuagint has epiqumhta/ as in A. V.
2 Against this class Cyprian stoutly contended,Comp. Cyprian, Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. v. pp. 357, 358, 587-592.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Comments and suggestions to ccel@ccel.org |