6 Or: and I saw, as it were, a dove and the Holy Spirit,e tc.
9 [Mark xvi. 16.]: John iii. 18.
10 5300 b.c. was the date commonly assigned to the creation. See Clem., Strom., i.; Theoph. Ant., ad Autol., iii.; comp. Just., Apol., xxxix.
11 For this legend, see the Revelation of Moses.
16 Isa. xxvi. 19, according to the LXX.
22 1 Thess. iv. 17; Rev. xi. 3-12.
25 The word in the original is the general term proesses, which the Vulgate uses for procurator.
26 i.e., was it possible for us.
27 Vultus. He seems to have read pro/swpa, and not protomai/, as in the Greek.
28 Lit., nothing to thee and that just man.
29 Lit., nothing to thee and that just man.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |