8 [The Virgin was the daughter of Judah, but had kinship with Levi. Luke i. 36. Compare Jer. xxxiii. 20-22.]

1 [See the Duae Viae, vol. vii., p. 377, this series.]

2 [This section is commended by Dr. Lardner.]

3 Cf. Lev. xi. 5, 7. [Vol. ii. p. 555 note 6.]

4 Cf. Levi 5. [P. 13, note 8 supra.]

5 [Matt. v. 45. This seems contradictory.]

6 The Ox ms.. adds, e0n tn= eu0frosu/nh h0 me/qh, e0n tw=| ge/lwti to\ pe/nqoj, e0n tw=| ga/mw| h0 a0krasi/a [Ecclus. xlii. 24.]

7 [The Hebrew triad, father, son, and proceeding.]

1 The Greek spelling here is Fwtima/r, in the later chapters Petefri/j (Pentefrh=j, Cd. Oxon.). The former is more like the Hebrew, the latter really the LXX. spelling, Petefrh=j We may perhaps see herein a trace of a double authorship in the Test. Joseph.

2 Cf. Gen. xxxix. 1 LXX., and Josephus (Antiq., ii. 4. 1), who calls Potiphar magei/rwn o9 basileu/j. The view of the Eng. ver. is most probably correct, though we find xb@/+

used in the sense of cook in 1 Sam. ix. 23.

3 [Matt. vi. 6. He veils the quotation by a fiction, au to authorship, to support the plan of his work.]

4 [Dan. i. 15]

5 This repetition of a clause seems like the slip of a copyist. The OX. ms.. reads, ei0j th\n ei9rkth=n tou= Faraw/

6 [To this section Lardner takes exception, as unbecoming to the gravity of Joseph.]

7 Another account is given in the Targ. Ps. Jon. of Gen. xii. 45, "And he gave him to wife Asenath, whom Dinah bare to Shechem: and the wife of Potipherah prince of Tanes brought up."

8 This wearing of a linen garment would seem to imply a connection with the priestly tribe. St. Luke (i. 36) indeed calls the Virgin the kinswoman of Elisabeth. On this tendency to associate the old sacerdotal tribe with the new royalty of Messiah, cf., e.g., Protevangel Jacobi, cc. 6, 7, 9: Augustine. contra Faustum, xxii. 4; Epiphanius, Haer., lxxvii. 13. [See Reuben, sec. 6, p. 10, supra.]

9 Isa. i. 8, xxiv. 20.

10 Cf. Test Simeon 8, and Jubilees 46. The account of Joseph's burial in the Targ. Ps. Jon. on Gen. 1. 26 is: "And Joseph died! a hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and placed hum in a coffin, and sank him in the middle of the Nile of Egypt."

11 Cf. Gen. xlviii. 7, LXX.

1 The ordinary theory as to the meaning of Benjamin is comparatively late, and seems doubtful. The Targum Jerushalmi (on Gen xxxv. 18) and the Breshith Rabba. ยง82, make Benjamin and Benoni synonymous. Cf. Josephus, Antiq., i. 21.3; Cyril, Glaph. in Gen., lib. iv. With the view mentioned in the text, cf. Arethas on Rev. vii. 8 (Cramer's Catena, viii. 289):

2 This would seem to be the earliest instance of the application of the word a0nama/rthtoj to our Lord.

3 [How could any Christian more fully testify to the Nicene Faith? So the Gloria in Excelsis.]

4 [Matt. vi. 22: Luke xi. 34.]

5 For e9ptakosi/oij e!tesin the Ox. ms.. reads simply e9pta/.

6 This would seem to be the meaning of prw=toj nao/j.

7 [Rev. xx. 5, 6. See p. 25, note 4, supra.]

8 Gen. xlix. 27. This passage, referring to St. Paul (who was of the tribe of Benjamin, Rom. xi. 1, Phil. iii. 5), is quoted by Tertullien, Adversus Marcionem, v. 1. [See vol. iii. p. 430, this series.]

9 Compare Scorpiace, cap. 13 [with reference to Gen. xxv. 34 and xxvii 2, vol. iii. p. 646, this series. Lardner adds Origen, Hom. in Ezech., iv. tom. iii. p. 731; Theodoret, in Gen. Quaest., cx. tom. i. p. 77; and Augustine, Serm., 279 (and passim), tom. v. ed. Benedict.]

10 ["Mel in ore, melos in aure, melodia in corde."-St. Bernard.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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Calvin College