1 [For the general parallelism of Homilies VIII.-XI. with Recognitions,iv-vi, see the footnote on Recognitions, iv. 1.. Homilies VIII., IX., contain matter included in the single discourse of Recognitions, book iv.-R.]

2 Lit.: More willing to learn than the others.

3 ["Maro" in Recognitions, iv. The resemblance between that book and this Homily is quite marked.-R.]

4 [Comp. Recognitions, iv. 3.-R.]

5 [With chaps. 4-11 compare the closely resembling passage, Recognitions, iv. 4-11.-R.]

6 Matt. viii. 11; Luke xiii. 29.

7 Matt. xx. 16.

8 Ex. xix. 9.

9 Matt. xi. 25; [Luke x. 21.-R.]

10 Luke vi. 46.

11 [In Recognitions, iv. 7, the healing is represented as occurring at once.-R.]

12 The general meaning seems to be as given; but text is undoubtedly corrupt, and scarcely intelligible.

13 [Chaps. 12-16 have no parallel in the corresponding discourse in the Recognitions, The doctrine here is peculiar. But compare Recognitions, iv. 26.-R.]

14 [Comp. Recognitions, i. 30. The details here are not only fuller, but apparently represent a more developed speculation.-R.]

15 The text is somewhat obscure; but the following sentence shows this to be the meaning of it.

16 Literally, "the marrow."

17 Literally, "the flowers of metals."

18 [Comp. Recognitions, v. 12.-R.]

19 toi=j au0tw=n bwmoi=j prosfqare/ntej kai\ au0tw=n e0kplhrwqe/ntej.

20 [The conclusion of this Homily resembles Recognitions, iv. 34-37, but much of the matter of that book is contained in Homily IX.; see footnotes.-R.]

21 Matt. iv.; Luke iv.

22 Matt. xxii.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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