13 On the possible reference here to the elements of the Eucharist see Grabe's note, Spicilegium, in loc.
14 Nitzsch (p. 19, n. 37) explains this division into three a0rxai/, as referring to the three orders of the Christian priesthood. This, however, seems improbable. Cf. Kayser, p. 119; Vorstman, p. 41. It is far more probable that the reference is to Moses, Aaron, and Christ. Thus with pisteu/saj as we may compare Num. xii. 7. For this use of a0rch/, cf Gen. ii. 10. [Isa. lxvi. 21.]
15 [Rom. xvi 15, 16, 17, Greek. Compare Heb. v.1.]
16 Or, if we follow the reading of Cd. Oxon., "Prophet of the Most High."
17 Or rather, with Cd. Oxon., "with our father."
18 We constantly find Peter, in the Clementine Homilies and Recognitions, combining with the Agapae the practice of bathing. Cf, e.g., Recog., iv. 3, v. 36.
19 Cf. Hom., xiv. I [Lev. ii. 13, Mark ix. 49.]
20 [Annas and Caiaphas. John xix. 11.]
21 This document is frequently quoted in the Testaments: cf. Sim. 5: Levi 14, 16; Judah 18; Dan 5; Naph. 4; Benj. 9. Most of these citations, however, are not to be found in the work as it has come down to us. We must therefore either assume the reference to some other books of Enoch not now extant, or rather perhaps that they are general appeals to the spirit of the book, regarded as a great fount of prophecy.
22 Read au0tou= with Cd. Oxon.
23 [John i. 4-9, viii. 12, ix. 5, etc.]
24 The word pleonci/a, like the English "excess," has not unfrequently special reference to sins of sensuality. Cf. 1 Cor. v. 11, Eph. iv. 19, v. 3, 5, Col. iii. 5, 1 Thess. iv. 6, the context in all of which pasages points strongly to this conclusion. See Suicer's Thesaurus, s.v.
25 Cf. Matt. xxvii. 63, where e0kei=noj o0 pla/noj is said of our Lord.
27 [John iii. 5; Isa. xii. 3; 1 Pet. iii. 20.]
29 [Matt. ii. 2. Constant references to the Gospels proofs of text.]
30 An additional clause occurs here in Cd. Oxon., which generally has a tendency to omit; the copyist of Cd. Cam. having possibly looked on to the same initial words in the next clause: "And in Hi priesthood shall the Gentiles be multiplied in knowledge on the earth and shall be enlightened through the grace of the Lord; but Israel shall be minished in ignorance, and be darkened in sorrow."
31 The reading of Cd. Oxon. here, a0posth/sei, is to be preferred to Cd. Cam., sth/sei. Crosseteste's Latin version, m all probability made from the latter, has stare faciet. [See p. 7, note 1, supra.]
1 Gen. xxix. 35 [The name = Praise. So Gen. xlix. 3.]
2 In c. 5 we find this name, with a slight variety of spelling. as that of a place over which this king may have ruled. It is doubtless equivalent to the Hebrew Tappuah, a name of sesveral cities mentioned in the Old Testament. See Josh. xv. 34, xvi 8, xvii. 8, 1Chron. ii. 43. Cf Thapha, Jubilees, 34.
3 Cd. Oxon. reads e0te/ran; but cf. Aresa, Jubilees, 34.
4 Cf. c. 12; also Chezib (Gen. xxxviii. 5) Chozeba (1 Chron. iv. 22). and Achzib (Josh. xv. 44; Mic. i 14), ail of which are probably different names for the same place, and all connected with Judah.
6 Cf. 1 Chron. xi. 36. [Here the translator supplies a note of doubt-an interrogation-point.]
7 Cd. Oxon. reads Gaa=j po/laij basile/wn. Cf. Josh. xxiv. 30: Judg. ii. 9: 2 Sam. xxiii. 30. Cf. also "Gaiz," Jubilees, l.c.
8 The Timnah of the Old Testament, which name is, however borne by several places. Most probably it is the Timnah near Beth-shemesh, on the north frontier of Judah, in the neighbourhood, that is, of many of the other localities mentioned in the Testaments. This may be the same as the Timnathah on the Danite frontier (Josh. xix. 43), and with the Timnathah where Samson's wife dwelt (Judg. xiv. 1 sqq ). The geographical position of Timnath-serah is against the allusion being to it here. Cf. however, Jubilees, c. 34, where Thamnathares is one of the hostile towns.
11 Cd. Oxon. e0n 'Anonira/m, probably per incuriam scribae, for e0pa/nw 'Ira/m
12 This seems to arise from the wish to disconnect Israel as far as possible from non-Shemite associations. Cf. the Targum of Onkelos on Gen. xxxviii. 6. "Judah took a wife for Er, his first-born, a daughter of the great Shem, whose name was Tamar."
13 die/fqeire de\ to\ spe/rma e0pi\ th\n gh\n
14 [Herod. i., cap. 199; Baruch vi. 43.]
15 [To this section Lardner objects. But compare Gen. xxxviii. 12.]
16 Cd Oxon. here reads the additional clause zhmiou/menoj ou0k aisqa/netai kai\ a!docon ou0k ai0sxu/netai. Ka@n ga/r tij basileu/sh, porneu/wn-perhaps omitted from Cd. Cant. through the homoeoteleuton.
17 Cd. Oxon. omits the negative. The, basi/leia will then be that from which the man falls by his sin.
18 Cd. Oxon. read ti/ de\ legw; mhd' o#lwj pi/nete, which seen s much more suitable to the context.
19 [1 Kings xi. 1, and ver. 11.]
20 [Num. xv. 25 and Acts iii. 17.]
21 [See cap. 13, p. 19, supra.]
22 Cd. Oxon. omits the whole of this chapter.
24 The reading of Cd. Oxon. is doubtless to be preferred, which joins klh|/dosi kai/ dai/mosi pla/nhj to what precedes
25 [Eccles, ii 8; Ecclus. ix. 4.]
27 Cd. Oxon. omits from here to end of c. 25.
29 [2 Macc. vii. 9-36 and Heb. xi. 35.]
30 ie., for the purpose of embalmment.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Comments and suggestions to ccel@ccel.org |