42 [Evidently "the Lord's brother." Comp. chap. 68.-R.]

43 This account of occurrences in Jerusalem (chaps. 45-70) is probably meant to supplement Acts v. and viii. The date tallies with the stoning of Stephen, to which there is no allusion. The whole bears abundant marks of "manipulation" of the New-Testament record.-R.]

44 [The discourse of chaps. 45-52 is interesting from its christo logical consistency. The doctrine, while showing Ebionitic origin, is closer to the Catholic view than that of the Homilies.-R.]

45 [The references to oil in chaps. 45-48, particularly the connection of anointing with baptism, have been regarded, since the discovery of the full text of Hippolytus, as showing traces of relationship to the system of the Elkesaites. See Introductory Notice. In the forms given by Hippolytus (see Ante-Nicene Fathers, v. pp. 132) the oil is represented as one of "seven witnesses" to be adjured by the subject of baptism.-R.]

46 Exod. xxix.; Lev. viii.

47 Matt. iii. 17.

48 Gen. xlix. 10.

49 Gen. v. 24.

50 That is, the sin of sacrifice.

51 Matt. xxii. 23.

52 [Comp. book ii. 8-11 and Homily 11. 24. The writer here confuses the later Dositheus with an earlier teacher, whose disciple Zadok was the founder of the sect of the Sadducces.-R.]

53 Luke xi. 52.

54 [Here we encounter that favourite notion of apocryphal writers, that each Apostle must he represented as contributing his portion to the statement and defence of the faith.-R.]

55 Matt. x. 5.

56 Matt. xi. 9, 11.

57 We should doubtless read "Barsabas."

58 Matt. v. 3; Luke vi. 20.

59 Dan. ix. 27; Matt. xxiv. 15.

60 Acts v. 35-39.

61 [This title is consistent with the position accorded to James the Lord's brother in the entire pseudo-Clementine literature.-R.]

62 [This sentence seems to have been framed to accord with the Catholic doctrine.-R.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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I offer you my heart, O Lord, promptly and sincerely