11 [This chapter has no direct parallel in the Homilies. While there is a general resemblance in the remainder of book i. to Homily 11., much of the matter is peculiar, or at least Introduced in a connection different from that of the Homilies.-R.]

12 That is, that I may be sure that you remember these things.

13 [Hilgenield regards chaps. 27-72 as as of the Jewish-Christian document called Kerygma Petri, of which an outline is given in book iii. 75. This he thinks was of Roman origin. Certainly these chapters bear many marks of an earlier origin than most of the pseudo-Clementine literature. Much of the matter is not found elsewhere in this literature: the tone of the discourse is much superior; the instruction represented as given to Clement, is quite well adapted to his needs as a heathen inquirer: the views presented are not so extravagant as much that occurs in the Homilies: the attempt to adjust the statements to the New-Testament narrative is skilfully made, and there is not lacking a great vraisemblance, It may not be improper to add, that the impressions first given in regard to this passage were made upon the writer of this note quite independently of Hilgenfeld's theory; some of them committed to writing without a thought of maintaining that theory.-R]

14 Gen. i. 1.

15 That is, his soul, according to the doctrine of the pre-existence of souls.

16 Gen. vi. 2. [Compare with this chapter Homily VIII. 12-17, where there are many more fanciful details.-R]

17 The writer here translates the words of the Septuagint, of oi9 gi/gantej oi9 a9p' ai0w=noj oi0 a!nqrwpoi oi9 o0nomastoi/, illi qua a seculo nominantur. We have given the translation of our authorized version. It is likely, however, that the writer believed the name to Imply that they lived to a great. age, as is maintained by Diodorus quoted by Suicer on the word, or he may have traced the word to gh=.

18 Gen. ix. I.

19 [With this chapter compare Homily IX. 3-7.-R.]

20 Comp. 1 Cor. x. 4.

21 [This orderly and consistent explanation of the Old-Testament economy (chaps. 32-39) is peculiar to the recognitions.-R.]

22 Gen xv., xxii.

23 Exod. iii.

24 That is, picture or statue.

25 Comp. 1 Cor. x. 4.

26 Deut. xvii. 15; Acts iii. 22, 23.

27 Deut. xii. 11; 2 Chron. vii. 12.

28 Hos. vi. 6; Matt. ix. 13, xii. 7.

29 Matt. xxiv. 2; Luke xix. 44.

30 Deut. xxxi.-xxxiv.

31 Matt. ix.; John vii.

32 Matt. x.

33 Luke x.

34 Num. xi. 16.

35 Deut. xviii. 15.

36 Matt. xxvii. 45, 51, 52.

37 [Chaps. 42, 43, show little of the Ebionitic tendency, except m the attempt to reduce the difference between Jews and Christians to the single point of belief in the Messiahship of Jesus.-R]

38 Gen. xv.; Acts xiii.

39 Matt. xxvii 45.

40 Matt. xxviii. 13.

41 John xii. 34.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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