56 The following Fragments of Melito are translated from the Greek, except No. IX., which is taken from the Latin.
57 In Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., iv. 26. [Melito wrote two books on the Paschal and one On the Lord's Day (o0 peri\ kuriakh=j lo/goj), according to Eusebius. But is this One the Lord's Day other than one of the books on the Paschal? It may be doubted. Routh refers us to Barnabas. See vol. i. cap. 15, note 7, p. 147, this series. See also Dionysius of Corinth, infra.]
58 He was bishop of Laodicea, and suffered martyrdom during the persecution under M. Aurelius Antonius.-MIGNE.
59 The churches of Asia Minor kept Easter on the fourteenth day from the new moon, whatever day of the week that might be; and hence were called Quartodecimans. Other churches, chiefly those of the West, kept it on the Sunday following the day of the Jewish passover. In the case here referred to, the 14th of the month occurred on the Sunday in question.
60 Migne, not so naturally, punctuates otherwise, and renders, "which had happened then to fall at the proper season, and on that occasion this treatise was written."
61 In Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., l. c.
62 Migne thinks that by these are meant the orders given by Magistrates of cities on their own authority, in distinction from those which issued from emperors or governors of provinces.
63 The refernce must be to private letters: for in any of the leading cities of Asia a mandate of the emperor would have been made public before the proconsul proceeded to execute it.-MIGNE.
64 !Estw kalw=j geno/menon seems to be here used in the sense of kalw=j alone. The correctness of Migne's translation, recte atque ordine facta sunto, is open to doubt.
65 The Jews. Porphyry calls the doctrines of the Christians ba/rbaron to/lmhma. See Euseb., Hist. Eccl., vi. 19.-MGNE.
67 Commodus, who hence appears to have been not yet associated with his father in the empire.-MIGNE.
69 'Af' w\n kai\ to\ th=j sukofanti/aj a0lo/gw| sunhqei/a| peri\ tou\j toiou/touj r9uh=nai sumbe/bhke yeu=doj.
71 The reading of Valesius, sou= ta\ pa/nta sundioikou=ntoj au0tw|=, is here adopted.
73 In the Chronicon Alexandrinum.
80 Meta\ spoudh=j. Migne: Cumfestinatione.
81 In the edition of the LXX. published by Card. Caraffe, 1581.
82 krema/menoj. The Hebrew is zx)n
, the Syriac , both meaning simply "caught."
83 See note on the fragment just before.
88 In Anastasius of Sinai, The Guide, ch. 13.
89 Or, according to Migne's punctuation, "His soul, and the body of His human nature." The words are, to\ a0lhqe\j kai\ a0fa/ntaston th=j yuxh=j au0tou= kai\ tou= sw/matoj th=j kaq' h9ma=j a0nqrwpinh=j fu/sewj.
90 Ou0siaj. [Comp. Note 13, infra.]
93 [ 9O Qeoj peponqen u9po\ deci/aj 'Israhli/tidoj. Compare Tatian, vol ii. p. 71, note 2; also Origen, vol. iv. p. 480, note 4, this series. And see Routh, R.S., i. p. 148. So "God put to death," p. 757, supra.]
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