1 Lit. "or is a daughter of the covenant."
2 Beelen's rendering, "we do not even pass the night," seems not to be favoured either by the arrangement or the context.
4 Or "consolation." So para/klhsij in the N T. has both senses.
7 ie., one who has taken the vow of celibacy.
8 Lit. "will with him minister all those things."
9 [The minuteness of all these precepts is of itself suspicious. The "simplicity" of the earlier age had evidently passed when these prohibitions were penned.-R.]
10 , Beelen's conjecture for , "rich." Zingerle proposes , "about to be married."
11 Lit. "come to the delight of the truth."
12 Lit. "ask of the peace of."
13 Lit. "for that which in his;" or "for what belongs to him."
16 Lit. "all of them are believing women and maidens."
17 Lit. "some place on the right side." The Syrian translator has probably mistaken the meaning of ei0j e!na to/pon decio/n, where decio/n may be compared with dexter in Hor., Sat., ii, 1, 18.-Beelen.
18 Probably meaning, "when we have inquired of their welfare."
20 Lit. "chaste," or "modest."
23 Rom. xiv. 15 [The Apostle's noble and consistent counsel to the "strong" brethren at Rome is in sharp contrast with the use here made of it. Only one of the "weak" brethren could have written this epistle.-R.]
32 Beelen joins "because of their wickedness" with the words that follow.
38 Wetstein and Zingerle join on this sentence to the next, by a change of the construction.
39 Lit. "her passion and her desire."
45 1 Sam. xvi. 13; Ps. lxxxix. 20, seqq.; Acts xiii. 22.
47 "By the pleasure derived from the sight of her."-Beelen
48 Ps. xviii. 50; 2 Sam. xix. 21.
54 Susanna having a husband, Joachim.
55 Lit. "a mind of chasteness."
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Comments and suggestions to ccel@ccel.org |