8 Lit. "portrayed and fixed."-TR.

9 [Gaurdian angels.] Comp. Dan. iv. 13. This designation was given to angels after the captivity, in which the Jews had become familiar with the doctrine of tutelary deities.-TR.

10 Lit. "the Spirit of His Godhead."-TR.

11 This seems to be Lusius Quietus, Trajan's general in the East at this time.

12 Or "kings."-TR.

13 We have here probably the most authentic copy of the edict of Trajan commanding the stopping of the persecution of the Christians, as it was taken down at the time by the reporters who heard it read.

14 Lit. "am far removed."-TR.

15 2 Cor. viii. 12. Both the Peshito and the Greek (if ti/j be rejected) have "what it hath:" not "what it is."-TR.

16 See note on p. 678.-TR.

17 Perhaps "Eutropius."

18 What follows, down to the end, is a much later addition, evidently made by the same ignorant person as that at p. 685, above: see note 2 there.

19 That is "Pius." The blunder arose from taking the prefix D (?) as a part of the name.

20 i.e., "Sixtus."-TR.

21 Or "Eorttis." The person referred to is "Evaristus." Cureton reads "Erastus:" it does not appear why.-TR.

22 i.e., "Linus:" see p. 675, note 3.-TR.

23 See note 3 on p. 667.-TR. [Also see p. 666, supra.]

24 Put by mistake for "sixteenth," which agrees with the statement of Julius Africanus as to the date of our Lord's death; also with the year of the consulate of Rubellius Geminus and Fufius Geminus (the persons intended below), and with the year of the Greeks 341, which was a.d. 29 or 30.

25 Prop. "rising," as of the sun.-TR.

26 The Greek ei0lhta/rion: see Du Fresne, Glossarium.

27 Moses Chor., ii. 36, calls him, in the translation of Le Vaillant de Florival, "Gheroupna, fils de l'ecrivain Apchatar:" in that of Whiston, "Lerubnas, Apsadari scribae filius." Apchatar of the first, and Apsadar of the second, translator are evidently corruptions in the Armenian from the Adbshaddai (= Ebedshaddai) of the Syriac. Dr. Alishan, in a letter to Dr. Cureton from the Armenian Convent of St. Lazarus, Venice, says he has found an Armenian MS., of probably the twelfth century, which he believes to be a translation of the present Syriac original. It is a history of Abgad and Thaddaeus, written by Gherubnia with the assistance of Ananias (= Hanan), confident (= sharir) of King Abgar.

1 This is found in the same MS. as the preceding: Cod. Add. 14,645, fol. 238, vers.

2 August.-TR.

3 They were consuls together in a.d. 312, 313, 315.

4 It does not appear who is meant.-TR.

5 The Greek strathgi/a, with a Syriac termination. Strathgoi/ was used for the Latin Magistratus or Duumviri.

6 He laid the foundation of the church at Edessa a.d. 313: see Assem., Bibl. Orient., vol. i. p. 394.

7 Called "Thelsaea" by Metaphrastes, p. 700, infra.

8 Lit. "learn and see."-TR.

9 The owrd used is probably e0ntoliko/j = proefectus: see Dr. Payne Smith, Thes. Syr.-TR.

10 Dr. Wright's reading, by the change of a letter, for "shall perish."-TR.

11 This place was on the right bank of the Euphrates, and derived its name from a bridge of boats laid across the river there. It was about forty miles from Edessa.-TR.

12 Cureton has , which he renders "alone." Dr. Payne Smith considers this a mistake for .-TR.

13 In Latin, "Theotecnus."

14 Or "an old man."-TR.

15 The Gk. ta/cij here used corresponds to the Latin officium. See note 4 on p. 679.

16 Or "domestics."-TR.

17 Lit. "Rectitude."-TR.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
Comments and suggestions to ccel@ccel.org
Calvin College