53 Lit. "nod," or "bidding," or "impulse."-TR. [See Tertull., vol. iii. p. 252.]
54 Lit. "were quiet and silent at."-TR.
58 A. has "the Indians;" C. "the Ethiopians."
59 C. adds, "and built a church at Antioch."
61 [The omission of reference to St. Paul is a token of a corrupt and mediaeval text here.]
62 The reading of C. The MS. A. gives what Cureton transcribes as Gothia, which is almos the same as the word rendered "Inner." Possibly this explains the origin of the reading of A. "Galatia" was perhaps accidentally omitted.-TR.
64 Or "Soba," the same as Nisibis.
65 The number seventy-two may have arisen from the supposition, mentioned in the Recognitions and in the Apostolical Constitutions, that our Lord chose them in imitation of the seventy-two elders appointed by Moses.
68 B. reads "Priscilla," C. "Pricilas." Prisca and Priscilla are the forms in which the name occurs in the New Testament.
69 Probably the same as Manaen, mentioned in Acts xiii. 1, as associated with Paul at Antioch.
70 [The failure to praise the work of him who "laboured more abundantly than all" others, is noteworthy, and can only be accounted for by Middle-Age corruptions of the text.]
71 C. adds, "crucifying him on a cross." C. also adds, "Here endeth the treatise of Addaeus the apostle."
1 This is found in the same MS. as the preceding, quoted as A. There is also another copy of it in Cod. Add. 14,609, referred to here as B. [It looks like an afterthought of a later age, when the teaching of Peter was elevated into a specialty.[
2 B. reads "the Apostle Peter."
3 [This apocryphal history proceeds on the theory that St. Peter preceded St. Paul at Rome, which cannot be reconciled with Scripture and chronology. Gal. ii. 9; Rom. i. 5-15.]
4 The reading of the MS. is "thirtieth."
5 From this place to "the light" (last line of text on this page), A. is lost, and the text has been supplied from B.
6 The MS. gives, "clad in the white."
7 Lit. "His marvellous helps."-TR. [See p. 652, supra.]
8 [Mark i. 16-17. Compare Jer. xvi. 16.]
9 The text A. is resumed after this word. The reading "and now that the light," etc., seems faulty. The (that) might easily have been occasioned by the of the word which it precedes.-TR.
10 The word so rendered is much effaced in B., but it seems to be , "humbled." This, however, might require further change of the text, such as Cureton suggests, so as to give the sense, "He humbled His Godhead on account of our mangood," unless we translated "inour manhood"-neither of which renderings seems to give so good a sense as that in the text of A.-TR. Respecting the word "mingled" ( ), which was supposed to countenance the Eutychian heresy, see Assemani, Bibl. Orient., vol. i. p. 81.
12 [On the Acts of Pilate see Lardner, Credib., vi. p. 605, and Jones, On the Canon, vol. ii. p. 342. If Leucius Charinus forged what goes by the name, it does not prove that genuine records of the kind never existed. The reverse is probably. See vol. i. p. 179.
13 [Vol vii. p. 453. Compare vol. vi. p. 438, note 15; also vol. i. p. 171. On Justin's simple narrative all the rest was embroidered by a later hand.]
14 From this place to "a gathering-place," p. 675, line 20, col. 2, the text of A. is lost.
15 [St Peter's visit could not have been previous to St. Paul's, and up to that time Simon had certainly not corrupted the Romans (Rom. i. 8). The subject may be elucidated by what follows, infra.]
16 Perhaps Cyprianus, which is found written in Syriac in the same manner as the word here.
17 This is the time often allotted to Peter's episcopate at Rome, although it is certain that he did not constantly reside there during that period: we find him the year after at Jerusalem. [The chronological incredibility of this residence in Rome has been fully demonstrated; but it is so entirely inconsistent with the scriptural history, and with that of St. Paul in particular, that no other argument is necessary. On the other hand, it appears to me conclusively established, that St. Peter closed his life in Rome, under Nero. And I think this apostle's visit fully explained by the fact that the Roman Christians were so largely ": of the circumcision," that St. Paul himself might naturally have invited him to share his own labours in Rome, on the well-known rule of his conduct (Rom. xv. 20; 2 Cor. x. 13-16). See vol. vi. elucid. p. 47.]
18 B. has Lainus = Linus, the person undoubtedly meant. The error arose chiefly from the [L] being taken as the sign of the accusative case. Below, the name appears as Isus, and in the Acts of Barsamya we have Anus. This sign of the accusative may be omitted.-TR.
19 In canon x. (See next note) it is said "in the pulpit of the church;" and in the Teaching of Addoeus it is said that "a large multitude of the people assemble dfor the reading of the Old Testament and the New." The inhibition seems, therefore, to refer only to public reading. [See p. 661, supra.]
20 This agrees with the tenth canon in the Teaching of the Apostles. [See p. 668, supra.]
21 That is, their martyrdom. But B. reads "labour."
22 This abrupt termination seems to indicate that there was something more which followed. The famine referred to seems to be the same as that mentioned in the interpolated passage at the end of the Acts of Sharbil.
1 There are two MSS. from which this piece os taken. The first is Cod. Add. 14,644, fol. 72 vers. This, which is referred to as A., has been copied exactly, except that a few manifest errors have been corrected and some deficiencies supplied from the other. This latter, quoted as B., is Cod. Add. 14,645. It is some three or four centuries later than the first. They were first taken down by shorthand-writers, called notarii (notaries), or exceptores, by which name they are mentioned towards the end of this extract; the Greeks called them taxugra/foi. They were then arranged in proper order by persons called by the Greeks u0pomnhmatogra/foi, and by the Romans Ab Actis.-The use of u0pomne/mata and other Greek words seems to show that these Acts were originally written in that language. Notaries, i.e., actuarii, or at a later dat exceptores.-TR.
2 The Latin Acta, to which the Greek u0pomnh/mata here employed corresponds, was used to denote the authorized records of judicial proceedings.-TR.
4 That is, a.d. 112. But the Greek era commences 311 or 312 B.C., and therefore A.G. 416 would answer to a.d. 105. There appears to be some error in the date.
5 The king reigning in the fifteenth year of Trajan was Maanu Bar Ajazath, the seventh king of Edessa after Abgar the Black.
6 It would thus appear that Paganism and Christianity were tolerated together in Edessa at this time, equal honour being attributed to the head of each religious paty. Cf. Teaching of Addoeus, p. 661: "Neither did King Abgar compel any man by force to believe in Christ."
7 A little before the passage quoted in the las tnote it is said that this altar was left standing when the altars to Bel and Nebu were thrown down.
8 Perhaps this is the same as the "Archives" mentioned p. 007, note 14.
9 B. adds, "before the god Zeus."
10 B. adds here: "And in all these things thou hast forgotten God, the Maker of all men, and because of His long-suffering hast exalted thyself against His mercy, and hast not been willing to turn to Him, so that He might turn to thee and deliver thee from this error, in which thou standest."
12 The Peshito, for Zeu/j in Acts xiv. 12, has "Lord of the gods."
13 B. has "the work of men's hands." [Jer. xvi. 20.]
14 B. makes a considerable addition here, which it is hardly necessary to quote, the words being in all probability only an interpolation. Cureton elsewhere remarks: "I have almost invariably found in these Syriac MSS. that the older are the shorter, and that subsequent editors or transcribers felt themselves at liberty to add occasionally, or paraphrase the earlier application in regard to early Chriistian literature.-TR. [But Cureton is speaking for his pet idea.]
16 Lit. "a hidden dead man."-TR.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. |