37 [The reference to Mal. i. 11, always noteworthy. Vol. i. p. 484.]
38 [Here I supply an omission, in italics.]
39 [kai pa/ntwn tw=n poimni/wn sou. John x. 16.]
40 Or emperor. [See p. 551, notes 5, 7.]
42 [Evidently after Constantine.]
43 [Elucid. II. Such passages indicate, of course, how St. Mark's name came to be given to this liturgy. Here is interpolated:]- Hail! thou art highly favoured; the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, because thou hast brought forth the Saviour of our souls.
Aloud. Especially remember our all-holy, pure, and blessed Lady, Mary the Virgin Mother of God.
44 [Hammond's note is important, p. 182; and see Elucid. II.]
45 ta\ di/ptuxa. [See the note of Hammond, Glossary, p. 378.]
46 [See Burbidge, p. 34 and passim to p. 253.]
49 [Subsequent to Antony. Vol. vi. p. 279.]
50 [Jerusalem: a token of antiquity.]
52 [Agrees with the partial triumphs of A.D. 325.]
54 [The Oblation, kat' e0coxh\n.]
56 [On all this, see Hammond, notes 1 and 2, p. 187.]
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