9 The Patriarch of Alexandria is meant. The word pa/paj was used at first to designate all bishops; but its application gradually became more restricted, and so here the Patriarch of Alexandria is called pa/paj, as being superior to the bishops of his patriarchate. [See vol. v. p. 154, and vol. vi., Introd.]
10 [See vol. iii. p. 689, this series.]
11 [Bestowing what is meet.] The text here is defective. Some suppose that a sentence has been lost.
12 Given in full in chap. vi. of the Liturgy of James, p. 538, supra. [It is so worded that it must be dated later than the Council of Ephesus, A.D. 431.]
13 [The Trisagion is found in all the liturgies, which proves a common source and original.]
15 [The Apostle means that the Epistle is read, and there is a prayer said (mustikw=j), followed by the outburst of Hallelujah.]
16 See note 1, p. 538. ["Sir, bless us" (in ordinary renderings) is a Western form.]
17 [Here, the deacon's words having been correctly given, the blessing of the priests shows the force of his expression.]
18 [I have frequently noted the Ante-Nicene ignorance of this rite among Christians, in order to illustrate these later usages as without apostolic warrant. See Irenaeus, note 9, p. 484.]
20 [The waters of the river, rather, with reference to the Nile.]
22 probably by the three are meant three prayers. [See Hammond, note 1, p. 177.]
24 [Vol. v. p. 417, Elucidation XIV.]
25 Some such word as remain is intentionally omitted. [See p. 540, supra.]
27 The Great Entrance; p. 540, supra.]
29 [i.e., in due order; in your turn.]
31 [e\pi to\n a!rton tou=ton kai\ e0pi\ ta\ poth/ria tau=ta. Most note-worthy language in this place.]
32 [Two after the Creed and one before.]
33 [Two after the Creed and one before.]
35 [I have supposed the adverb w$sper (as) in this place for obvious reasons. It is implied in the text.]
36 [See p. 543, supra. Here the Edinburgh inserts: "The Deacon...."]
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |