36 Asclepiades was a Christian writer, and contemporary of Lactantius, to whom he wrote a book on the providence of God. [According to Eusebius, a bishop of this name presided at Antioch from A.D. 214 to 220; but this is evidently another.]
37 Illis non quadrare rationem.
39 De transverso jugulasset. The Academics, affirming that nothing was certain, opposed the tenets of the other philosophers, who maintained their own opinions respectively.
40 [The law of his being is stated in Bacon's words: "Homo naturae minister et interpres," Nov. Org., i. 1. It is his duty to comprehend what he expounds, and to lend his voice to nature in the worship of God. See the Benedicite, or "Song of the Three Children," in the apocryphal Bible.]
42 Varia. Others read, "faecunditatem variam generandi."
44 [Our author never wearies of this reference to Ovid's beautiful verses. Compare Cowper (Task, book v.) as follows:-
"Brutes graze the mountain-top with faces prone
And eyes intent upon the scanty herb
It yields them; or, recumbent on its brow,
Ruminate heedless of the scene outspread
Beneath, beyond, and stretching far away
From inland regions to the distant main.
Not so the mind that has been touched from heaven.
...She often holds,
With those fair ministers of light to man
That nightly fill the skies with silent pomp,
Sweet conference," etc.]
48 [Justitiam sequi. I have substituted righteousness for the translator's justice here (see c. 25, p. 126, supra). Coleridge remarks on the weakness of the latter word. It may be, our author is quoting St. Paul (1 Tim. vi. 11 and 2 Tim. ii.), sectare justitiam, "follow after righteousness."]
52 i.e., "in discomfort," liable to the evils of this life.
53 i.e., in comfort and luxury. On the whole passage see John xii. 25: "He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal."
54 Afficiet. Others read "afficit."
55 Calculi, called also "latrunculi." There were two sets, the one white, the other red or black.
56 The chariot-drivers in the contests of the circus were distinguished by different colours. Originally there were but two factions or parties, the white and the red; afterwards they were increased to four, the green and the azure being added. Domitian increased the number to six, but this was not in accordance with the usual practice,
57 Gratia. Thus Pliny, "Tanta gratia, tanta auctoritas in unâ vilissimâ tunicâ." Cf. Juv., Sat., xi. 195. Gibbon thus describes the scene: "The spectators remained in eager attention, their eyes fixed on the charioteers, their minds agitated with hope and fear for the success of the colour which they favoured."
62 Revolvantur. Others read "resolvantur:"
63 [See Clement, sparsim, and notably (cap. 5 of Stromata) vol. ii. p. 305, this series.]
69 Minutis seminibus conglobatis.
71 Gen. i.; Ps. viii.; Heb. ii.
74 Singulis ratio non quadravit.
77 ["We must wait patiently," said Socrates, "until some one, either a god or man, teach us our moral and religious duties, and remove the darkness from our eyes."-Alcibiad., ii., Opera, vol. v. p. 101, Bipont.]
78 Appropinquante saeculorum fine.
82 [Here again the reference to Ovid's maxim. See pp. 41, 56, and 58, supra.]
83 qew/pida. Others read qewri/an, i.e., "a contemplation."
84 [See the most instructive pages of Taylor Lewis again: Plato against the Atheists, p. 121.]
92 [Tayler Lewis, Plato, etc., pp. 294-300; more especially, pp. 318-322.]
93 Sine nutu et adminiculo animi.
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999. Contacting the CCEL. |