1 [This, St. Augustine powerfully illustrates, See Confessions, lib. iii. cap 3. Note also Ib., lib. ix. cap 5.]
2 [It thrills me to compare this modest tribute of Christian confidence, with Justin's unheeded appeal to the Stoical Antonine.]
3 [Pilate is answered at last out of the Roman court itself .]
"How charming is divine philosophy!
Not harsh and crabbed, as dull fools suppose."
-Milton, Comus.]
5 [Ingeniously introduced, and afterward very forcibly expanded.]
6 [A hint to Caesar himself, the force of which began soon after very sorely to be felt in the empire.]
7 Cunei; properly, soldiers arranged in the shape of a wedge.
8 [Not David merely, nor only other kings of the Hebrews. Elucidation I.]
12 Georg., iv. 221. [These passages seem borrowed from the Octavius of Minucius, cap. 19, vol. iv. p. 183.]
13 [Fabricatorem mundi, rerum opificem.]
14 [Concerning the 0rphica, see vol. i. p. 178, note 1, and pp. 279, 290. For Sibyllina, Ibid., p. 169, note 9, and pp. 280-289. Note also vol. ii. p. 194, note 2, and T. Lewis, Plato cont. Ath., p. 99.]
15 Virg., Georg., ii. 325-327.
16 [See (Sigonius) p. 144, ed. Paris, 1818.]
17 [See vol. i. p. 289 note 2, this series.]
18 The Quindecemviri were the fifteen men to whom the care of the Sibylline books was entrusted. At first two (Duumviri) were appointed. The number was afterwards increased to ten, and subsequently to fifteen. It appears probable that this last change was made by Sulla.
19 [i.e., Counsel of God. See p. 14 supra, and 16 infra.]
20 [Concerning the Sibyls, see also, fully, Lardner, Credib., ii. 258, 334, etc On the use here and elsewhere made of them by our author, Ibid., p. 343, and iii. 544; also pp. 14 and 15, supra.]
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